BigDumbDinosaur wrote:
You might find Supermon 816 useful, as it runs on the '816 in native mode.
Supermon 816 is exactly what I was looking for, so I abandoned my monitor and decided to use Supermon.
I successfully got it to assemble using the WDC assembler (I want to keep all of my work in the same tools, to keep my sanity
), and everything checks out -- except reverse copies. forward works, but reverse does not.
T 7000 7010 5000 <- works OK
T 7000 7010 7060 <- returns to prompt OK, but fails to copy anyhting
The code is pretty simple, and as far as I can tell it assembled properly (from what I can tell the WDC toolset is picky, so proper assembly is not always to be taken for granted)
I am going to keep looking, but I was wondering if there were any known bugs in this area?
nevermind, I found the problem -- duh . . .
000000C0 opc_cpyi .equ $c0 ;CPY # opcode
000000A2 opc_ldxi .equ $a2 ;LDX # opcode
000000A0 opc_ldyi .equ $a0 ;LDY # opcode
00000054 opc_mvn .equ $54 ;MVN opcode
0000002C opc_mvp .equ 44 ;MVP opcode <----------------
000000C2 opc_rep .equ $c2 ;REP opcode
000000E2 opc_sep .equ $e2 ;SEP opcode
Amazing what a missing dollar sign can do.