If something is documented, it also does not mean that it's true. A couple of examples.
My R65C22 datasheet says:
"A precaution to take in the use of PB7 as the timer output concerns the Data Direction Register contents for PB7. Both DDRB bit 7 and ACR bit 7 must be 1 for PB7 to function as the timer output. If one is 1 and other is 0, then PB7 functions as a normal output pin, controlled by ORB bit 7."
In fact, I have seen nothing of the kind. I did not touch DDRB, but timer pulses on line PB7 exist, therefore writing "1" into ACR bit 7 is enough. I remember, I have read another datasheet, for MOS6522, that says:
" PB7 will act as an output if DDRB7 = 1 or if ACR7 = 1. However, if both DDRB7 and ACR7 are logic 1, PB7 will be controlled from Timer 1 and 0RB7 will have no effect on the pin."
It is more like the truth.
Another interesting thing is a pull-up resistors. Contrary datasheet all PA, PB, CA, CB lines of my VIA (except the CA1) are pulled up to Vdd.
The date of manufacturing is 1423. Frequency capabilities are unknown (no designator, there was a topic about this,
http://forum.6502.org/viewtopic.php?f=12&t=4199). Bought at Aliexpress.
Maybe, chinese counterparts?