[I've mentioned this project a few times on this board, but I might as well give it its own thread.]
WFDis is an interactive disassembler, with the front-end written in JavaScript, for portability and to give it a nice presentation. There is a much more powerful back-end in development, but the front-end is reasonable enough to use on its own.
It now supports 4 variants of the 6502, including the 65C02. The new 65C02 support is largely untested, as I don't really work with that chip, but I've had requests for supporting it and it should bring more of an audience to trying it out, especially from this board.
Saving/loading the current state of the disassembly to browser localStorage, as well as downloading/resuming from local files is supported. Full export to .asm files is not yet there, but is forthcoming.
It is slanted towards the Commodore 64, allowing viewing graphics for characters & sprites right in the disassembly, BASIC line analysis, and has common ROM labels pre-installed when loading C64-specific file formats. However, general 6502 code should pose no issue, and it can load raw .bin/.rom binary files without any C64 specifics involved.
More docs are available in the "Help" tab in the upper right of the page.
There's still a lot to do in the front-end, but it is usable as is. Any feature requests, bug reports, and generally using it is certainly welcome. Some features won't be a part of the standalone JavaScript version, but take enough analysis oomph to be on the full server version only. This does assume a modern HTML5/ES6 browser, with no concessions for older systems. There's a section in the Help docs listing known issues that will be updated.
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