Hi group,
I have a nice pile of 4168 chips and wanted to use them instead of 6264/4364 SRAMs (they are pin compatible) in a 6502 based subsystem. But I am puzzled with the datasheet.. the chip supposedly should be able to do "auto refresh" but I never used it before and it seems than neither grounding nor pulling up the _RFSH line makes it work. Has anyone of you had some experience with this/similar chip used in place of normal SRAM?
I found something interesting here:
http://www.d81.de/CLD-RAMBOard/RAMBOard-2C.shtml_RFSH is to be connected to PHI2 and one more cap for delaying the _OE/_CE lines should be added. I did so and it still doesn't work. I even connected CS to PHI2 as in the schematic, although I don't think it to make a difference.
and here:
http://www.smspower.org/uploads/Development/SegaMasterSystemIIServiceManual-1715922A-1.pngThis seems to be official schematic from SEGA, which uses the same chip and they do what I did in the first try - connect both CS and _RFSH to VCC.. None of the combinations seem to work for me though.
Any clues, maybe?