tmr4, I think you do understand, but can you confirm, what has been repeated here, that the width selection of the accumulator is not tied to the width selection of the index registers. . "16-bit mode" and "8-bit mode" make it sound like the accumulator width and the index-register width must go together and be the same. They don't.
Yes, we're on the same page. Context is critical. It's usually clear in the discussion or code but I admit "8-bit mode" and "16-bit mode" isn't precise without the proper context.
BigEd wrote:
We should all, of course, be making sure we understand each other, with our various terminology, and I think we do.
I debated having this discussion here because the OP is struggling with terminology and operations. But I hope it points out that his question and others relate simply to ways to describe how the processor works. I had similar confusion to start, but it soon passes as you dive in deeper. Of course this site helps a lot.
For example, I wouldn't be surprised by a question on the "C register" next. It's just a construct to describe how the processor works. L&E describe it thus:
The terminology used to describe the various components of the eight-or-sixteen bit accumulator is: to use A to name the accumulator as a register that may be optionally eight or sixteen bits wide (depending on the m memory/accumulator select flag); to use C when the accumulator is considered to be sixteen bits regardless of the setting of the m flag; and, when A is used in eight-bit mode to describe the low byte only, to use B to describe the hidden high byte of the sixteen-bit accumulator.
This provides necessary precision but seems at odds with the alternate mnemonic allowed such as TSA in place of TSC. This of course is on the original designers. For me, a variable width accumulator (and a hidden B byte) is sufficient. My emulator, for example, doesn't model the C accumulator internally.
In the end, we can't hide from the fact that two definitive documents use terminology that is less than precise, but provides a good shorthand given the proper context. Absent some other definitive document how can we be on the same page?