Oscar, Glad to hear that you also have DOS/65 working on a system. Note that the current ROM version (3.02) that Richard sent uses WDC Tools to assemble and link with output being Intel Hex format. I've made some changes for my C02 Pocket SBC and have put together a ZIP file that has everything in it to create my current BIOS/Monitor and the complete ROM image of DOS/65. Also included are slightly modified versions of SD, UCOPY, SUB and XMODEM (also assembles/links with WDC Tools to Srecord files).
ROM usage:
$8000 - $BFFF - Free space
$C000 - $D9FF - DOS/65 CCM, PEM, SIM, HW layer
$DA00 - $DBFF - RAM image for CCM, PEM, SIM copied to $7000
$DC00 - $DFFF - Free space
$E000 - $F7FF - C02 Monitor (a bit less than 1KB available
$F800 - $FFFF - C02 BIOS (some space still available) *
* $FE00 - $FE9F - Hardware I/O space (5- 32-byte I/O selects)
RAM Usage:
$0000 - $07FF - allocated for Page 0, Stack, Console I/O buffer, Soft Vectors, Soft config data, buffers, work areas, host buffer for DOS/65, etc.
$0800 - $6FFF - TEA are for DOS/65
BDD, Oscar, I'm going to look at the editor source files... seems like a nice addition to have, so thanks to both of you.
DOS65_C02Pocket.zip [146.53 KiB]
Downloaded 97 times
Note that the .BAT was renamed to .TXT. This was done as Richard discovered that Gmail wouldn't send a ZIP file that contained a Batch file as part of the archive... gotta love Gmail (or not).
Hoping other can find this useful as well. Note that the C02 Pocket SBC and the RTC/CF-Card adapter are fully documented with all schematics, PCBs and full source code for the hardware PLDs, BIOS, Monitor, etc. on my GitHub page. With the information there and here, the entire project can be recreated by anyone.