EMULATOR.png [ 32.24 KiB | Viewed 3946 times ]
<-- emulator, more or less fully working basic, as-is ripped from the pet rom, unmodified. the emulator however thinks it has an NMOS 6502 cpu.
output of the real board: (WDC65C02, although the important part of the address decoding is hanging overboard on a rather ghetto soldered experiment board, but that's unlikely to be the cause as it does run other big chunks of code without failure)
2A *
2A *
2A *
43 C
4F O
4D M
4D M
4F O
44 D
4F O
52 R
45 E
42 B
41 A
53 S
49 I
43 C
34 4
2E .
30 0
2A *
2A *
2A *
0D <--- magically appearing extra $13 where the <space>NNNNN" BYTES FREE"$13 should be
any 'nmos 6502' only stuff in microsoft/commodore basic i should be aware of? it all seems pretty vanilla code... nothing 'weird' or 'undocumented' except for the mnemonics those people used. (not just mickeysoft themselves, also most 'translations' and 'commented disassemblies' are quite creative with mnemonics, making up things like 'BE' or 'BNZ' themselves
the 'not implemented i/o write' errors of the emulator actually is the bios trying to initialize the not-emulated vias, waayyyy before commodore basic comes into play.
cbm basic -itself- doesn't seem to do anything with locations it should not be touching, no single attempt to read or write to locations it has no business with.