The string compare is at LAB_1CAE. At LAB_1CE6 the strings are actually compared if they have the same length. FAC1_1 and FAC2_2 is used to hold the indirect pointer to the strings being compared. FAC2_2 was pointing to an invalid location in direct mode. Earlier in the code the string descriptor is pulled
LDA FAC2_2 ; get descriptor pointer low byte
LDY FAC2_3 ; get descriptor pointer high byte
JSR LAB_22BA ; pop (YA) descriptor off stack or from top of string space
; returns with A = length, X=pointer low byte,
; Y=pointer high byte
STX FAC2_2 ; save string pointer low byte
STY FAC2_3 ; save string pointer high byte
In memory the pointer to the string descriptor is off by +$100. So I went back to LAB_EVEX to see where FAC2_2 is loaded. After some more single stepping I found it is pushed onto the stack from FAC1 and then restored to FAC2. When it is pushed to the stack via LAB_1B5B FAC1 is rounded which causes the high address to be incremented by 1 if FAC1_r is > $7f. FAC1_r is not cleared when FAC1 actually contains a memory pointer. Actually it is never cleared and so I am not so sure wether it could also go wrong in run mode.
; push sign, round FAC1 and put on stack
PLA ; get return addr low byte
STA ut1_pl ; save it
INC ut1_pl ; increment it (was ret-1 pushed? yes!)
; note! no check is made on the high byte! if the calling
; routine assembles to a page edge then this all goes
; horribly wrong !!!
PLA ; get return addr high byte
STA ut1_ph ; save it
LDA FAC1_s ; get FAC1 sign (b7)
PHA ; push sign
; round FAC1 and put on stack
JSR LAB_27BA ; round FAC1
LDA FAC1_3 ; get FAC1 mantissa3
PHA ; push on stack
LDA FAC1_2 ; get FAC1 mantissa2
PHA ; push on stack
LDA FAC1_1 ; get FAC1 mantissa1
PHA ; push on stack
LDA FAC1_e ; get FAC1 exponent
PHA ; push on stack
JMP (ut1_pl) ; return, sort of
Either FAC1_r must be cleared when FAC1 is used as a memory pointer or LAB_27BA should check wether the data type is string or number (without breaking something else of course).
edit: Sorry, I have posted this in the wrong thread. I will repost to the correct one.