BigEd wrote:
Are you sure your inputs are set to be inputs and are not driving a value?
Don't think so. I've double checked the wiring and this is my defintions for the ports/pins on the AVR:
// 0=input, 1=output
// rows (PD pins 4-7), columns PD, pins 0-3)
DDRD = 0b11110000; // port D, set to 4-7 (output), 0-3 (input)
PORTD = 0xff; // port D, pins 4-7 output 1111, pull ups enabled for pins 0-3
// VIA pins (lower nibble=PC, pins 3 to 0 (reversed), upper nibble=PB6 (bit4), PB2 (bit5), PB1 (bit6), PB0 (bit7)
DDRC = 0xff; // port C, set to output
PORTC = 0x0; // port C, pull ups disabled
DDRB = 0xff; // port B, set to output
PORTB = 0; // port B, pull ups disabled
The "good" news is that I now get the short6 circuit issue when more than one key is pressed when they're on different rows
I'll put in the tristating for the rows.
Here we go. This works fine and no need for those diodes. Still puzzled as to why they don't work though...
unsigned char scanKbd(void)
// ensure that
//PORTD = 0xff;
unsigned char scanresult;
scanresult = 0;
for (int row=4;row<=7;row++)
KYBD_bit_set(DDRD, KYBD_bit(row)); // set row as output
KYBD_bit_clear(PORTD, KYBD_bit(row));
for (int col=0;col<=3;col++)
if (KYBD_bit_get(PIND, KYBD_bit(col))==0)
KYBD_bit_set(scanresult, KYBD_bit(col));
KYBD_bit_set(scanresult, KYBD_bit(row));
KYBD_bit_set(PORTD, KYBD_bit(row));
KYBD_bit_clear(DDRD, KYBD_bit(row)); // set row as input (disable it)