Dr Jefyll wrote:
No, I don't think so -- although I guess it's an easy assumption to make. In reality I think you'll find that (assuming BE is high)
Ø2 low always means the Bank Address is present on D7-D0 -- even with RDY false. IOW, RDY false causes the entire bus cycle to repeat -- and all the subsequent iterations will be identical to the first, with two different types of activity on D7-D0.
I wasn't able to find any statement in the datasheet to confirm my view -- or to refute it!
The text fails to be explicit on this point. But the diagram BDD mentioned is a significant clue. If Ø2 low always means the Bank Address is present, then the diagram is correct as is, and needs no correction.
Page 53 of WDC's current
datasheet (Caveats):
7.6 DB/BA operation when RDY is Pulled Low
When RDY is low, the Data Bus is held in the data transfer state (i.e. PHI2 high). The Bank address
external transparent latch should be latched on the rising edge of the PHI2 clock.
In any case, I don't think RDY would be a very useful signal if my understanding of it from this blurb was correct- RDY is only checked near the end of a bus cycle, so no matter what,
a full bus cycle is guaranteed to be performed after RDY is reasserted. This would mean that losing the bank latch data would be unavoidable if this were true.
EDIT to the above paragraph: I believe the bold is incorrect after thinking about this more. See below.
Now that I'm thinking about it, I think I'm supposed to interpret this blurb as: Bank Latch should be latched as normal when RDY is low, Data Bus (and other signals such as RWB) will retain it's value. The latter is to be expected, as the whole point of a wait state is to extend setup time (hold time can be made arbitrarily long by external circuitry)! But the data value isn't latched- it's passed through a transceiver, and so this is also a contradiction!
EDIT: I'm thinking about this more. If RDY is reasserted during PHI2 high, and the prop delays from RDY to '816's internals are satisfied before falling edge, then the '816 should complete the bus cycle during the same phase. So, BDD's suggestion is correct.
RDY must be asserted during PHI2 high, and RDY must be deasserted during PHI2 high of a subsequent cycle. Alternatively, RDY must be latched during rising edge of PHI2, so that the 65xx/bus interface circuitry only sees the new value of RDY after the rising edge- in which case, RDY must be asserted during PHI2 low, and can be deasserted at any time. In the latter case, RDY will indeed always last a full bus cycle or more.
The CLK must be gated with RDY so that the bank latch doesn't accidentally latch the data bus when RDY is deasserted during PHI2 low. Extra prop delay on the clock line is unavoidable :/.
I'll make a new topic for this after I work out some kinks.