tokafondo wrote:
A Low-Level Language for Use on the MOS 6502 Microcomputer
A low-level language, GRASSHOPPER, was developed for use as a systems programming language on the MOS 6502 microcomputer. GRASSHOPPER was designed as an alternative to assembly language for systems programming, and its use requires some knowledge of the MOS 6502 hardware. To facilitate the writing of correct and readable programs, GRASSHOPPER includes three control structures used in the higher level structured languages, and provides five distinct data types.
Anyone knew about this one? I've been searching and found nothing... interesting - maybe the OSI fans might know something more (as it looks like it targetted that system at the time in 1981)
Shame no source code, but it looks like it might be possible to create it using a good macro assembler if someone felt the need.
A tiny bit of "internet stalking" finds her on the genealogy sites and Instagram though so she may be contactable if you felt the need...
Gordon Henderson.
See my
Ruby 6502 and 65816 SBC projects here: