To anyone who may be interested, I've come up with a handy way to generate WinCUPL from Verilog using Yosys and a simple utility I wrote called JsonToCupl. You can find this utility on GitHub
https://github.com/michaelhunsberger/JsonToCupl. Yosys is a free and open source tool for digital logic--It really does all the heavy lifting. My tool just is just a simple code generator.
The process is as follows:
1) Use JsonToCupl utility to generate a ".ys" script.
2) Execute the script using Yosys. This generates a json file that represents the design. The design is flatten and optimized to primitives like NOT\AND\OR\XOR\D-Flipflops\Latches. These primitives are easy to convert to WinCUPL.
3) Execute JsonToCupl again, supplying the json script. Creates WinCUPL expressions\pins\pinnodes. This final step generates the PLD file.
Some background:
I wanted to program older logic but wanted to use a more updated HDL than WinCUPL. I know there are commercial solutions to target older 5v chips (Pro Chip Designer?) but are not free (I think its if you have to ask, you can't afford it). I used another solution in the past using an old version of quartus and another tool called POF2JED, but this resulted in unstable\bad results. Sticking with WinCUPLs synthesis was the way to go.
The generated code is ugly, but so far, my testing has shown it to work. I included 2 examples, a UART and a ripple carry adder. I was able to get the UART onto an ATF1504, the adder was able to fit onto a AFT22LV10C. I tested the UART by feeding the rx into the tx port and using a simple terminal to view the echoed characters.
If anyone knows of other alternatives, I'd love to hear about it! I originally did this for a 68000 project I was working on, but never completely finished. In that project, the all the glue logic was done on a single AFT1508. Hoping to someday finish that.
Disclaimer: I am just a hobbyist, and I'm not an expert on Verilog or WinCUPL.