Dr Jefyll wrote:
I enjoyed your travelogue in the attached image, Andrew, but you need to give your head a shake if you think the explicitness of a schematic can be dispensed with.
Thanks, travelogue is exactly the word I was looking for. Definitely in terms of designing circuits for myself and for sharing or requesting help on specifics of a circuit there's no way around it - a schematic is necessary.
I'm hoping my posts on this bodged board are just an entertaining journey on the mistakes and pitfalls I ran into. I'm not wanting to spend yours or anyone else's mental energy on decoding a schematic for a board that's a mostly working throwaway.
Dr Jefyll wrote:
I will comment on one point from the attached image. RDY does need to be pulled high, but, on WDC CPUs, RDY is bidirectional, and may decide to act as an output.
And this is where a schematic would have been useful; and it is pretty telling that I should include one even if is secondary to the travelogue format I'm trying for. That's because, well, there is a 2.2KΩ between VCC and RDY which would then have been obvious (it's the bottom one bodged in). What I couldn't find is an official value for it. I remember BDD mentioning it should be around 3.3KΩ but I couldn't see any suggestions in WDC's documentation.