Hello Everyone and thanks for your replies and greatly appreciated thoughts.
I have been messing a little.
I have a number of ROMs with known working programs (on the breadboard that was used as the prototype for this board). They partially work but usually just stop responding after a few instructions. I even had one program that was responding to interrupts even though I had quite plainly turned them off with SEI. Now, that's just weird.
A little while ago I swapped the 65C02 for another one and a program that wouldn't run properly before ran perfectly - it was a clock program with interrupts updating the time in the background and a foreground task displaying on the LCD. It even had a routine to get the time using I2C at startup that worked. I powered it down and up again and I can no plonger get it working.
This is pointing to some mechanical problem that I can't find - exactly as you seem to be gravitating to. I don't think it was the fact I changed CPU chip, just the fact I had poked about. I am still waiting for the Rockwell 65C02 to arrive and I am going to give that one last try before starting a rebuild. I have spent the last month of (most) eveings debugging this thing. My other half is being very patient
I could rebuild it in a few eveings and probably imporve the layout while I am at it.
May I ask for some advice. Should I either use the Rockwell CPU without pull-up resistors in the new build or the WDC 65C02 with resistors?
My list of parts in my parts box are:
WDC 65C02
Rockwell 65C02 (soon!)
2 x Rockwell 65C51 P2
1 x WDC W65C51N
2 x WDC W65C22S
My RAM is Alliance AS6C62256
I could do:
WDC CPU; WDC 65C22S x 2; WDC 65C51N x 1; Rockwell R65C51 + pullup resistors
WDC CPU; WDC 65C22S x 2; Rockwell R65C51 x 2 + pullup resistors
Rockwell CPU; WDC 65C22S x 2; Rockwell R65C51 x 2 with no pullup resistors (or would I need them for the WDC 65C22S chips? Or should I source some Rockwell 65C22s?
Any other advice?
Thanks folks!