floobydust wrote:
Just my $0.02 of course.
I appreciate it a lot
It's probably not a huge audience.
I expect the people to jump on board will have an interest in soldering the board themselves, I expect them to have a TL866 II - which afaik can probably program some PLD's as well - or similar to program the ROMs (or to get help from someone who can - not completely ruling out selling a kit but I doubt I have the time). I expect them to install CC65 and clone the github repo to assemble the source - ROM's ready in literally three commands on Linux/MacOS.
I expect them to have an interest in learning 6502 assembly and/or BASIC - or just using it as an MCU with a keyboard, VGA, lots of I/O, wireless, etc, for benchtop tasks like playing with an I2C/SPI device, and that kind of thing..
I don't expect them to completely understand the hardware when putting it together. I don't expect them to setup another toolchain for another MCU, a PLD, FPGA etc just to get it running.
Maybe a PLD wouldn't add much, software wise, but I guess I'm going for more of a 1977 vibe, keeping it to 7400 series logic and simple ROMs. ... conceptually anyway. And then cheating a bit with the 90's ROMs and SRAMs.