floobydust wrote:
Realistically, I don't see that changing, as there's no actual reason for WDC to change the chip for any reason. Unless you're planning to go into production, I doubt you have anything to worry about... and even then, unlikely.
Thank you. I'm personally against using SMT parts right now. Not that I can't solder it, I'm sure I could, just now is not the time.
You mention 'production', which is always my mindset. I purposely choose designs using chips that are currently (and futuristically) commonly available. What *if* I want to make a 1000 of them for whatever reason? Better to not use new-old stock.
AndersNielsen wrote:
but it’s hard to say how much you can load it before you run into issues
Hm! Now THAT is a good point. I hadn't thought of the load. Thank you.
So, let's say I want to use a transistor to invert the signal:
https://electronics.stackexchange.com/q ... tal-signalJust how fast can these go? I'm running this 6502 at 3.14 MHz, and I'm already planning on using transistors in my video circuit running at 25.175 MHz. Still, have any of you used a transistor as a (reliable) inverter before?
I could of course use a transistor on some piece of logic that is not as critical or slower as PHI1, and use my 74HC04 for PHI1. I've been thinking about it for a while. Still, this seemed like a free inverter, and... well, it looks like it works.
floobydust wrote:
As a picture is worth a thousand words, getting the bigger picture (on your new system) might yield some different views on how to accomplish what you need.
I'm not quite ready for that yet
Thank you both, good points.