sburrow wrote:
... can you all tell me why so much RAM in Bank 0 is so important?
I wouldn't say it's
so important, but more like you said, simply
sburrow wrote:
... that is the only place for direct page and stack.
I'm not saying don't use it for something else. I use a page for ROM for my ISR and vectors. I'll use it for other stuff if I get a greater benefit from it in Bank 0 than elsewhere. It's not a religion, but just what I want to do for my current project.
sburrow wrote:
... I'm so used to zero page and stack being 256 bytes each, and I have never ever run into a problem of not having enough of those in 6502 land.
Yep, same for me. And I'll admit to using zero page for stuff that didn't even need to be there.
sburrow wrote:
I think Proxy once said that he intends on running C code on his '816 and wanted a very large stack. I think BDD mentioned having I/O in Bank 0 because of 'convenience', though I think that is mainly because interrupts are only handled in Bank 0.
There is lots of good advice on this site. But some of it might not be consistent with your goals. It's been recommended that I do away with interrupts, because polling is enough for my needs. It's also been said that I can fit everything into Bank 0, so why bother with more ROM outside that bank. Right now, this is all true and will still likely be for a long time to come. But I'm aspiring for more or maybe just something a little bit different. My post here is just a data point for consideration.
sburrow wrote:
I currently have 32KB of RAM planned in Bank 0. Is that enough?
My first '816 experiments simply got the processor running on my 65C02 builds. My current build expands one of those to multi-bank memory and I'm well on my way to porting my 6502 Forth to it. So far, I've only used about 10k ROM and several kB of RAM. I haven't coded far address access yet and don't really have much vision for it yet other than multiple instances of my Forth OS. I really don't need all of the ROM/RAM or even the '816. I could easily keep working just within Bank 0, but I'm looking to push my horizons a bit. Where are yours? Only you can say.
Garth has a good article "
enough stack space". You probably don't need as much as you think.