The 6502/816 chips can be stopped (RDY) and decoupled - tri-state'd (BE) from the system bus.
The '265's '816 core can only be stopped (BE/RDY) but not decoupled
from the external bus but from its
internal ROM, RAM and registers, so they can be inspected from an external debugging device.
In the
Wait state information and uses for the BE pin section of the same document it's stated:
Wait state information and uses for the BE pin wrote:
Pulling the BE low in PHI2 high time does not tristate the memory bus. [...] Pulling BE low during PHI2 low time turns off the output buffers on the address pins; however, the pins do not
float because of weak bus holding devices.
I'm thinking in having the '265s access the internal Commodore 64 memory through its expansion port, and have the complete 64K memory of the computer mapped as one of the banks of 64K of memory.
For this to be able to be achieved, amongst several other things, the '265 should be able to be 3-stated, but AFAIK and what I put earlier, it cannot be done.
I was thinking in using the 74245 octal bus transceiver, or the 74640, the
inverting bus transceiver, that should allow to remove the inverting gate just after the address bus.
So my question is:
Is it enough to decouple the ADDRESS bus from the system bus to avoid bus contention, or should I also decouple the data bus?
In another words: should I use just two transceivers (2 x 8bit address bus) or three transceivers (2 x 8bit address bus + 1 x 8 bit data bus)? As I only wanting to manage 64KB of memory, I would only need two transceivers for the 0-15 address bus lines, because the A16-A23 won't be used.
I want to use the '265 because I already have a clone of the 265SXB board working, so I have not to build another SBC with I/O and memory,
and I have not to deal with demultiplexing the address bus as it comes natively 24 bit from the internal '816 core.
The Commodore 64 (for those not familiar with the computer) has the video chip and the cpu taking turns while accessing the memory. The video chip access it during the low phase of phi2, and the cpu access it during the high phase of phi2 (even the own video chips registers are accessed this way by the cpu).
But regularly the video chip needs several consecutive accesses to the memory and hence ask the cpu to stop and then makes it to decouple from the system bus, to avoid bus contention.
And as I need then to both stop the '265s
(*) and decouple it from the system bus, and the chip won't do it, a transceiver it's needed.
So that's the question
again: two transceivers or
three transceivers?
Maybe the key here is what's also stated in the
Data Bus (Dx) '265 datasheet section:
Data Bus (Dx) wrote:
During external memory cycles the data bus is in the Hi-Z state during PHI2 low time.
...just when the video chip access the system bus.
(*) well... its actually its internal 816 core, because the rest of integrated I/O still runs because the phi2 won't stop