BigEd wrote:
Good persistence points there! I think going back to simple and cheap early systems is going to be the closest match to your needs - I don't have analogue design skills, so my best shot is to look at other schematics out there. Here's one Eric Schlaepfer made which seems to fit the bill: ... interface/Their op amp is supplied by 0 and 5V, which is handy because you'll already have those, and also handy because it means the output of the op amp is certainly going to be between those two levels.
That schematic works!
I just got parts in today, tested them. After a couple breadboarding goofs I got it to work. The OpAmp feeds into a 74HCT00 and outputs a beautiful inverted signal. I also tested it with an 74LS' chip and that works great too. The only thing I changed was the 22K resistor into a 50K audio-style pot. And yes, 22K is about right.
I connected it to my line-out from the desktop, and ran this command on my Linux box:
play -n synth square 1200 gain 2
"play" is a derivative of "sox" by the way.
I altered the volume and about 25% worked for me, I got a clean signal. Using both the volume control and the pot is good because I can adjust BOTH to make it just right. Too little resistance and I get fluctuations. Too high resistance and I get no signal at all.
Soon I will make a little bash script to 'play' alternating high/low signal. I also want to test different volume levels and pot levels, and test this in a headphone jack and on my wife's laptop. I think I might record something and see if this also runs off of my phone, that'd be cool. And lastly I'm going to connect the breadboard to my VIA and see if I can read signals in to the 6502! That will be fun
If this all works, I will try the reverse direction, making a little resistor DAC from the VIA out to my desktop, and see if I can record it, and then play it back without signal/data loss.
Neat! Thank you again Ed, this was really a cool side-project. I will be integrating something like this into my next board for sure