Hey everyone, again another general discussion, but maybe more specifics on numbers this time.
My latest 6502 + VGA board is printed and being delivered in a week. In preparation in case it is NOT working, I have been considering alternatives for video output. Of course NTSC (or PAL for other folks) Composite video is an option [ lets keep this black and white for simplicity ]. It might be super old, but you can get converters on Amazon that will work just fine.
Here are some findings on the internet about specs:
https://www.amstzone.org/ntsc/NTSCspecifications.pdfhttp://www.kolumbus.fi/pami1/video/pal_ntsc.htmlAnd of course:
https://archive.org/details/Cheap_Video ... _LancasterI went searching through the forum, and if there was anything interesting, the links were already dead. Maybe I didn't search the right key words. So... perhaps some of y'all have more information than me on that.
Let me verbalize what NTSC signal specs seems like, to me:
Start at 0V for 4.7uS, horizontal sync pulse.
Jump to 0.3V for a minimum of 4.7uS, back porch, sets the 'black' level.
Now we can go between 0.3V and 1.0V luma for visible greyscale, a length of 52.6555uS.
Back to 0.3V for 1.5uS, front porch.
Total of 63.555uS.
Vertical syncing is still confusing to me. I think that lines 1-9 are the vertical syncing period, and the horizontal sync is performed TWICE each line. Lines 1,2, and 3 are normal orientation (0V sync and 0.3V blank), lines 4, 5, and 6 are inverted (0.3V sync and 0V blank), then lines 7, 8, and 9 are again normal style (0V sync and 0.3V blank). 262.5 lines total and then back up to the top. I have heard that we can do just 262 lines or 263 lines, and most TV's will figure it out? [ For simplicity I am also not considering interlacing. ]
I went here next:
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Crystal_o ... requenciesAnd found that 7.15909 MHz is a pretty ideal frequency. Why? 7.15909 MHz gives us a 139.68252nS period, and doing the math:
(Horizontal) Sync = 4.7uS = 33.64773 clock cycles = ~34 rounded (up)*
Back porch = 4.7uS = 33.64773 clock cycles = ~34 rounded (up)*
Visible area = 52.6555uS = 376.56823 clock cycles = ~376 rounded (down)*
Front porch = 1.5uS = 10.7386 clock cycles = ~11 rounded (up)*
* These rounded figures seem to be 'within spec', as I have seen +- 0.3uS on some of these figures.
34 + 34 + 376 + 11 = 455 clock cycles total
455 * 139.68252 = 63.555uS exactly, which lines up perfectly.
Likewise 7.15909 MHz is a nice clock speed that can access 55nS RAM with minimal glue logic. You could even divide the clock down, draw directly from a 6502 (race the beam), and use shift registers to hit exactly where you want. Lots of possibilities.
I guess I'm just wondering if I am hitting the mark, or not. I also want a one-stop-shop summary for all of this information because it's VERY scattered around the internet. And the Youtube videos I have seen seem to *round* quite liberally, and "close enough" comes up very often. Perhaps I'm hoping this topic could be more easily found on a forum search, for people in the future.
Any thoughts? Comments? Have you worked with composite video on your projects?
Again, just discussion. I might never use this, but it is neat to learn! Chime in as you like.
Thanks everyone!