Hi there,
just wanted to drop a note. I have been using 6502 & 65C02 varieties for almost 20 years, on and off. Started with Synertek bare board computer, enjoyed it immensely. I like to develop gadgets using 65xx that I sell to industry, mainly sonar type instruments. I used to buy 65xx in quantity directly from GTE, then California Micro Devices (CMD), but since they had stopped making it, I thought I was in trouble. I didn't think WDC would be selling actual chips, so contacted Mike Naberezny first. Yesterday, I purchased 150 of 65C02 from WDC, this will last a few years. I have bought enough (300 pc) CMD's G65SC22 from Arrow, they have thousands of them, but none 65C02. All sold out.
I hope WDC will continue to supply this micro for a long time, if not, I will have to look for a different microprocessor. I have been using Microchip for small products, so probably I would consider these first.
To my surprise, I have discovered today a web site dedicated to C compiler for 65xx. Here is the link:
Hope the link works, if not, delete the #tools and try again. I do not use C (know nothing about it), I am confortable with assembly, have a better control of timing.
Good luck to you all,