Michael wrote:
Bill, forgive me for all the questions... If a user simply needs a Flash ROM programmer, is there a way he could
easily write something like Daryl Rictor's 32K
SBCOS image to a Flash ROM chip with your device?
Let me answer the question again. The first time I was caught up with porting Daryl's SBCOS to my programmer and forgot the question is how to program Daryl's binary file to a EPROM to be used on Daryl's SBC2.
I took SBCOS.ROM and generated a 20K hex file start from $3000-$7FFF; modified the ProgSST to program 20K instead of 16K; burned the flash; and verified it OK on my TL866II programmer. So yes, it can program 20K with very small software modification. By relocating the ProgSST program into lowest 4K of RAM, I can program up to 28K data to flash, but it will take more software efforts to program 32K data to flash. In the RC2014-Z80 world, SST39SF040 (512KB flash) is very popular; this programmer is definitely not usable for programming SST39SF040.
I'll be the first to say this programmer is not meant to be a general-purpose programmer like the $60 TL866II. It serves as an interesting 6502 project and an usable programmer for newcomers to 65xx community who are not sure they want to invest in a relatively expensive specialized equipment that has little utility outside of retrocomputing.