30) Register $00
Located between A14 pad and MA8 pad, between Register $09 and the AM16..18 counter Bits.
Status Register $00
Bit 0..3: read 0. //chip version number, write has no effect.
Bit 4: read: BS input pin (bank select configuration), see "9) BS". //write has no effect.
Bit 5: read: VERIFY error flag. //write has no effect.
Bit 6: read: DMA sequence completed flag. //write has no effect.
Bit 7: read: inverted IRQ# pin. 1=IRQ active. //write has no effect.
Bit 5 and Bit 6 are cleared at RESET, also in the next PHI2_in cycle after reading the Register.
Note, that clearing the Bits overrides setting the Bits.
R$00.S5# (low active)(sampled with PHI1) sets Bit 5, see "23b) compare logic".
R$00.S6 (high active) sets Bit 7, see "31) tapeworm from hell".
IRQ# = NOT Bit 7. //IRQ# is "open collector output" with pullup resistor.
Bit 7 = (Bit 5 AND (NOT IE5#)) OR (Bit 6 AND (NOT IE6#))
The IE5# and IE6# (low active) IRQ enable signals are generated by NAND gates attached to
the Interrupt Mask Register $09, which is located West from the Status Register $00.
si8726_30_register_$00.png [ 95.9 KiB | Viewed 609 times ]
8726_30_register_$00.png [ 213.58 KiB | Viewed 609 times ]