The rest of Jeff's sentence should help you. Without wishing to discourage you, it does appear that you need to read more carefully and think more deeply: this is not easy stuff, it requires study and consideration. What you're aiming to do is build up a mental model of the cycle by cycle behaviour of an MPU in its system, so you know what's happening. This isn't going to work if you just jump from one guess to another: the questions are harder than you think.
What's more, you risk running everyone out of patience: there are half a dozen people here with enough goodwill to help you, but unfortunately that's not an unlimited resource.
Here's what Jeff said. Get paper and pencil and work through cycle by cycle what happens when an MPU reads an instruction. This is going to take you at least a couple of hours.
Dr Jefyll wrote:
BTW in case anyone's wondering, in this thread the term NOP doesn't necessarily imply $EA, the official NOP. $EA isn't ideal for the job of manipulating the '816 to read (but ignore) a series of bytes at PC because it only accesses one byte every 2 cycles. A better choice is to feed the '816 WDM ($42) -- a two-byte NOP that executes in 2 cycles.