Atlantis wrote:
I am looking for some esy way to divide 16bit variable by 40. Variable is used to point to the test cursor location in VRAM memory. Screen size is 24x40 so I need divide cursor value by 40 do determine number of current line. Cursor value will never exceed 960, so result will always be 1 byte number.
What is the simplest method?
Curiously I'm in the process of implementing a memory mapped text display, however my code always knows exactly where the cursor is, so I never have to work the reverse.
However one approach: Start at zero in a 16-bit variable, and add 40 into it in a loop and count how many times you add 40 into it before it's > the 16-bit number you have for the cursor position... You could also subtract 40 from your 16-bit number until it goes negative. Slightly faster, maybe, divide by 4 (2 x shifts) then divide by 10 (ie. subtract 10 in a loop) Not sure which way might be the quickest but it might be easier than implementing a generic division... always trade off's ...
Worst case on the div 4 then sub 10:
959 divide by 4 is 239, the subtract 10 from that in a loop will count 24 times until it's < 0, so the answer is that you're on line 23. (0-23)
the other end of the scale; 41 - divide by 4 to get 10, subtract 10 to get 2 (when it's < 0), so line 1.
You can divide by 10 quicker if you divide by 100 first if the number is >= 100. Both speed and code complexity goes up though.
There are other ways but a lot will depend on your needs - small code, fast code, easy to read code, or ... ?
Gordon Henderson.
See my
Ruby 6502 and 65816 SBC projects here: