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 Post subject: BIT instruction?
PostPosted: Sat Jul 24, 2021 4:59 am 

Joined: Sat Jun 05, 2021 6:56 am
Posts: 19
So, I've never really been clear on the BIT instruction, as I so seldom encountered this opcode when poking around in assembly language back in my C64 days.

Are there any real-world code examples that would illustrate how this works?

I have at hand some code that could stand a slight rewrite, and I am wondering if a BIT instruction would be useful for that scenario.

Right now, in several places, a number is tested bit by bit, by doing an ASL or LSR followed by a BCC or BCS, based on whether a 0 or 1 is desired, then repeating the process for the next bit until all the bits have been shifted through the carry.

Seeing as the carry bit doesn't translate so well into modern high-level languages, I want to see if there are other usable approaches that don't take up so many bytes in assembly language, but readily translate into newer languages.

Now, I could just use AND to test the individual bits, but that means I have to reload the accumulator each time before testing a given bit, and that just adds to code length.

So, is BIT just a non-destructive AND?

In other words, if I do BIT #$08, and comes back 0, and I want to check for 0, I use BEQ? Then I can follow with a BIT #$04 and continue evaluating that way?

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 Post subject: Re: BIT instruction?
PostPosted: Sat Jul 24, 2021 5:33 am 
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The BIT instruction performs a logical AND between the accumulator and memory, setting or clearing status register flags, but not storing the result of the logical AND.

          LDA #%01010000
          AND uart_isr
          BEQ is_zero

is logically equivalent to:

          LDA #%01010000
          BIT uart_isr
          BEQ is_zero

the difference being the second example doesn't modify the accumulator the way the first example does. The branch to is_zero will only be taken if ACCUMULATOR & MEMORY would result in $00.

BIT on the NMOS 6502 has only two addressing modes. On the 65C02 and 65C816, new addressing modes are <zp>,X and <abs>,X, plus immediate mode:

          LDA uart_isr
          BIT #%01010000
          BEQ is_zero

which may be more convenient at times.

When BIT is used on memory, as in the second example above, bits 6 and 7 of the memory location being tested are copied to the status register's V and N flags, respectively. The Z flag will always reflect the result of the logical AND operation.

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 Post subject: Re: BIT instruction?
PostPosted: Sat Jul 24, 2021 5:40 am 
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Meterman58761 wrote:
So, is BIT just a non-destructive AND?

Very very nearly! (The difference being, as BDD notes, that two handy flags are set directly... except when used with an immediate.)

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 Post subject: Re: BIT instruction?
PostPosted: Sat Jul 24, 2021 5:54 am 
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BIT is really nice for testing port bits. If you will need to quickly test an I/O line like for the data line when you're bit-banging a synchronous-serial connection, put it on bit 6 or bit 7 of a parallel port, so you can just do:
        BIT  PORT_A
        BMI  ____        ; (or BPL or BVC or BVS, as appropriate)

without regard for what's in the accumulator, nor affecting the accumulator.

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What's an additional VIA among friends, anyhow?

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 Post subject: Re: BIT instruction?
PostPosted: Sat Jul 24, 2021 6:00 am 
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This is, surely, the reason why the peripheral chips we use often present a useful overall status bit in bit 7.

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 Post subject: Re: BIT instruction?
PostPosted: Sat Jul 24, 2021 2:30 pm 

Joined: Sat Jun 05, 2021 6:56 am
Posts: 19
Here's a snippet showing what I mean about using the carry bit to evaluate a number and if I understand BIT based on what you guys say:

Relay status nybble: 0 = contacts closed, 1 = contacts open

Existing code:

LB_ECC0   LDA A   $C3      //   fetch status nybble
      LSR A            //   shift Relay A bit into carry
      BCS      LB_ECCA   //   contact opened like it was supposed to
      JMP      LB_EE31   //   jump to test fail: Relay A
LB_ECCA   LDA B   #$07   //   Write pass value to Relay A register
      STA B   $0CEA
      LSR A         //   shift Relay B bit into carry
      BCS      LB_ECD5      //   contact opened like it was supposed to
      JMP      LB_EE67   //   jump to test fail: Relay B
LB_ECD5   LDA B   #$07   //   Write pass value to Relay B register
      STA B   $0CEB
      LSR A         //   shift Relay C bit into carry
      BCS      LB_ECE0      //   contact opened like it was supposed to
      JMP      LB_EE6F   //   jump to test fail: Relay C
LB_ECE0   LDA B   #$07   //   Write pass value to Relay C register
      STA B   $0CEC
      LSR A         //   shift Relay D bit into carry
      BCS      LB_ECEB      //   contact opened like it was supposed to
      JMP      LB_EE77   //   jump to test fail: Relay D
LB_ECEB   LDA B   #$07   //   Write pass value to Relay D register
      STA B   $0CED

If I understand BIT:

LB_ECC0   LDA A   $C3      //   fetch status nybble
      BIT A   #$01      //   Test bit 0 - Relay A
      BNE      LB_ECCA   //   contact opened like it was supposed to
      JMP      LB_EE31   //   jump to test fail: Relay A
LB_ECCA   LDA B   #$07   //   Write pass value to Relay A register
      STA B   $0CEA
      BIT A   #$02   //   Test bit 1 - Relay B
      BNE      LB_ECD5      //   contact opened like it was supposed to
      JMP      LB_EE67   //   jump to test fail: Relay B
LB_ECD5   LDA B   #$07   //   Write pass value to Relay B register
      STA B   $0CEB
      BIT A   #$04   //   Test bit 2 - Relay C
      BNE      LB_ECE0      //   contact opened like it was supposed to
      JMP      LB_EE6F   //   jump to test fail: Relay C
LB_ECE0   LDA B   #$07   //   Write pass value to Relay C register
      STA B   $0CEC
      BIT A   #$08   //   Test bit 3 - Relay D
      BNE      LB_ECEB      //   contact opened like it was supposed to
      JMP      LB_EE77   //   jump to test fail: Relay D
LB_ECEB   LDA B   #$07   //   Write pass value to Relay D register
      STA B   $0CED

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 Post subject: Re: BIT instruction?
PostPosted: Sat Jul 24, 2021 2:48 pm 
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Umm, do you have two accumulators? Is this 6800, or 6809 family, perhaps, rather than 6502? I'm not very familiar but it's possible those micros have different behaviour.

On the 6502, if you needed to update some other address without disturbing A, you would typically use X or Y, which are both single-byte registers.

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 Post subject: Re: BIT instruction?
PostPosted: Sat Jul 24, 2021 3:15 pm 

Joined: Sat Jun 05, 2021 6:56 am
Posts: 19
Currently working in 6801 assembly, yes, so if / when this gets translated over to 6502, the B accumulator in this example would end up being substituted with the Y index.

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 Post subject: Re: BIT instruction?
PostPosted: Sat Jul 24, 2021 3:31 pm 
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I think you have the right idea, anyway.

There's a choice, whether to load a mask into A and BIT against a location, or load A from the location and then BIT against a constant. Sometimes it will be right to read the location just once.

If you have just 2 bits of interest and they are at the top of the byte, BIT makes more sense, I think. If your bits of interest are at the bottom of the byte, shifting and checking C makes good sense. It's not the case that BIT is always the best choice, but sometimes it is. So it's worth understanding it so you can use it as appropriate.

Sometimes a mix of tactics will be best, for example if bits 7 6 and 0 are in use.

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 Post subject: Re: BIT instruction?
PostPosted: Sat Jul 24, 2021 4:01 pm 
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If you want to check all the bits of a location, one by one, you could do something like:
LDA #$01
BIT mem
BNE bit0set
BIT mem
BNE bit1set
BIT mem
BNE bit2set

I think that maybe you're describing a byte of flags (where each bit is a flag). You may prefer to use a whole byte as a flag and just focus on the bit 7 of the byte and check it with the BIT instruction and the BPL/BMI branches.
true = $FF
false = $00

LDA #false
;LDA #true
STA memflag
BIT memflag
BPL flagisfalse

Similarly another useful opportunity is to check if a signed number in memory is positive or negative, without compromising the accumulator:
BIT num
BMI isneg

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 Post subject: Re: BIT instruction?
PostPosted: Sat Jul 24, 2021 5:44 pm 

Joined: Sat Jun 05, 2021 6:56 am
Posts: 19
This successive bit-shifting is done in several places in the code.

The most common use is to interpret the relay status nybble to determine whether the four relays opened or closed as directed, and to set the pass / fail conditions as appropriate.

It is also used within the main loop; at various points in the code, a 'configuration byte' is set and program flow is then directed back to the main loop as a 'do this step now but not that' (this section uses ASL and BCC to run through bits 7-3, 1, and 0; when the carry bit is 0, the program drops down to the next bit to be evaluated).

My goal is to end up with something that works in assembly, whether 6801 or 6502, yet intuitively translates to higher level languages (i.e. C++).

This code was riddled with shortcuts and odd programming quirks and I've pried out as many as I could find.
Perhaps I should post the initial configuration check code just to show you what I'm working with...

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 Post subject: Re: BIT instruction?
PostPosted: Sat Jul 24, 2021 8:41 pm 
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I probably wouldn't use BIT here. Instead, I might do something like:
        LDY  #7

        LDA  $C3              ; fetch status nybble
        LSR                   ; shift Relay A bit into carry
        BCC  REL_A_TEST_FAIL  ; branch to test fail: Relay A

        STY  $0CEA            ; Write pass value to Relay A register
        LSR                   ; shift Relay B bit into carry
        BCC  REL_B_TEST_FAIL  ; Branch to test fail: Relay B

        STY  $0CEB            ; Write pass value to Relay B register
        LSR                   ; shift Relay C bit into carry
        BCC  REL_C_TEST_FAIL  ; Branch to test fail: Relay C

        STY  $0CEC            ; Write pass value to Relay C register
        LSR                   ; shift Relay D bit into carry
        BCC  REL_D_TEST_FAIL  ; jump to test fail: Relay D

        STY  $0CED            ; Write pass value to Relay D register

using the BCC instead of BCS around a JMP, and put them all within branch range. It looks like the various places to jump to are all short enough to put them together within branch range.

http://WilsonMinesCo.com/ lots of 6502 resources
The "second front page" is http://wilsonminesco.com/links.html .
What's an additional VIA among friends, anyhow?

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 Post subject: Re: BIT instruction?
PostPosted: Sun Jul 25, 2021 4:44 am 

Joined: Sun Nov 08, 2009 1:56 am
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BIT is quite handy for waiting until a status line goes to a desired state:


      lda #$10    ; status bit is bit #4 in this example
@1    bit ioport
      beq @1       ; wait until set (or bne if waiting until clear)

You might see something like this in bit-banged serial i/o, for instance.

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 Post subject: Re: BIT instruction?
PostPosted: Thu Jul 29, 2021 6:16 am 

Joined: Sat Jun 05, 2021 6:56 am
Posts: 19
As for using BIT to wait for one line to change state, that's actually not a bad idea. Will have to see if that would work better than the existing approach.

Anyway, coming back to the original part of my post, for the post-test relay check routine I did end up using BIT rather than LSR paired with BCC / BCS, as the routine which it replaced was several layers deep and a mass of shifts, carries, branches, and even jumps that was scattered out into several sections. 500+ bytes (in 5-6 places) replaced by a ~100-byte subroutine and two JSRs.

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