Were to begin...
1) Its too expensive. Put out a base price that is comparable to the component cost and license the software separately. Most SBC's have alot on the board, but the Mymensch is more like a PicoPI or Arduino nano at the moment.
2) Power requirement. The 65x02 series is known for its low current consumption. How does this solution compare? I can't find anything about current in Rev-C. Its superimportant.
3) Make the oscillator frequency source a choice for the user. Either internal oscillator or external. 14MHz is comparable to very cheap arduinos. You can get a STM32 card that runs >100MHz. A Risc-V runs at several hundred. If you don't have 2), you need this.
4) 5V interfacing. The 65x02 series can go there, so why change to this at same speed?
5) Its often about shields. The Arduino has them, The Raspberry PI has them, most STM32 SBC's has them. Today we want to put on a display and get something up and running. All schools here use Arduino if speed isn't that important, and its because you can plug in everything from gas sensors to displays and lasers.
6) Software. Make it Arduino IDE compatible to get a chunk of that market. Most other SBC's can be controlled from that, either through a supplier's library or a third-party library. Its always free and its relatively easy to use.
7) More software. Think Lego mindstorms. They are super-easy to program for anyone. Click-n-drag objects to get functionality. Graphic IDE.
If you want into R&D market you need 7), but also interfacing. Think Labview. Researchers know almost nothing about programming these days and need solutions that work. Sensor data and stuff like that. Not everything needs 10GS/s and a i9.