Thanks for responding - I really do appreciate it
I also don't really have any diagrams yet but I hope this helps (sorry if I'm not being as helpful to you as you are to me!)
In my CPU, the top right board is the clock. This has two white lines coming out that go directly to the 'clock bus' lines which run down the center beside the power rails and data bus. The two clock lines represent phase1 and 2 of the clock, so phase1 is low, while phase2 is high, then they switch, then the clock cycle starts over. Throughout the board you'll see other white lines tying into the clock bus so they can receive either the phase1 or phase2 signals (still not sure about which each process should use, bu that's another question).
Bottom left is the timing circuit (the one with all the yellow lines and obviously the furthest from the clock
- poor planning). Anyway, this reads from the clock bus and then updates the lines some 55-120ns after the clock line changes. The delay is due to the read time for the micro-code. My idea was to instead wire the clock directly into the timing circuit, thus leaving the clock bus lines untouched. When the micro code has been retrieved it would include two control lines to drive the clock bus lines. This means the clock will now change at the same time as the control lines.
Clock -> clock-bus -> Timing circuit-> control lines -> non-latched operations
-> clock latched operations
Clock -> Timing circuit -> control lines -> clock-bus -> operations
-> clock latched operations