Fitting the screen ram and the font tables into one memory device is brilliant space and cost saving idea.
So, I've been watching this with interest, and had a go at building one myself, though not in the "stacked" format.
I hesitated to post my "interpretation" as I too matched it to a Zilog CPU. In my case a Z180, as the 33mhz version is "perfect" for running off the VGA clock to reduce the component count. The Z180's built in MMU making it possible to move the display ram in and out of visible memory as required to allow 64K RAM for CPM.
With a 128 macrocell ATF1508AS CPLD dedicated to just handling the video, I was able to fit in colour and scroll registers as well as 8 bit RRRGGBBB output.
File comment: Demo screen drawn in BBC BASIC using a BBC like soft font.
Img_4155.jpg [ 102.01 KiB | Viewed 2220 times ]
The VDHL is attached for anyone who wants to look at it. It's probably not the best code in the world, but it gets the job done
File comment: VHDL source [3.15 KiB]
Downloaded 103 times
NB Version 1 was 6bit colour, I figured the 2 extra bits of output was worth a major version number upgrade