Thanks for taking the time to examine my source files in such detail. In response to the following:
DF_TICKS .EQU #100 ;Counter/Timer is 10 milliseconds (100 x 10ms = 1 second)
Yes, this assembles fine with WDC Tools. I'm not sure why it wouldn't, as the # specifies decimal input (vs $ for Hexadecimal).
The Label
10MS_CNT also assembles correctly. Actually, I never thought about the label starting with a numeric versus an alpha character, so perhaps this would qualify as a "bug or feature".
As for the Xmodem code, my reason for using this is quite simple. I use a terminal application on OSX called "Serial" (with Windows I can use ExtraPutty). Both of these terminal applications support Xmodem-CRC for upload and download. As my C02 Pocket SBC has a single NXP UART for console (connected via a FTDI USB-UART module), I use the console port to also send and receive files to and from the SBC. This works perfectly fine... while not overly efficient, at 115.2K baud, it only takes seconds to load or save data. After all, I'm not transferring a huge amount of data either. I opted to add the S-record (S19 flavor) as I have that as the output file from WDC Tools and use it with my Dataman programmer for writing to the EEPROM.
My development setup is likely a bit odd. I use OSX as a core OS and use VMware Fusion to run other OSes, like WIndows, Linux, etc. I keep all of the data on the OSX side and share a directory to a Windows 7 VM, which is where WDC Tools runs. For an Editor I've been SlickEdit for many years, which I'm both familiar with and I like it. It was created by Clark Mauer, an old colleague that also wrote the internal E3 editor which has found it's way to the web over the years. I also have OSX setup for multiple screen sessions so I can simply slide between them with the mouse and have full screen views for the editor, Win7, Serial (usually 2 or 3 sessions), Acrobat for reference docs, Firefox for quick searches, lookups, etc.
For me, it just works... at some point I'll give the Kowalski tools a test run, but I'm used to formatting everything for use with WDC Tools and it's quick and simple for me at this point. Also, I've attached a ZIP file containing the LST file, as uploading them directly isn't supported.
C02-3.02.zip [191.44 KiB]
Downloaded 33 times