Drass wrote:
Hi Dani,
Welcome back. It’s been nice to see the progress on the 74HCT6526 and your SBC. You mention going back to the 74HCT6526 now. I seem to recall you got it working with a C64. Are you contemplating some enhancements or is there functionality still missing on it?
Hi Drass,
Yup, there's still quite a few things missing. TOD, Interrupts, and the Serial Register do not exist yet. I have a pretty much complete design for them, with only some minor quircks left to fix.
Ports are done, with some major improvements on the original version. Still have to order PCBs for them though.
And the timers... those are my biggest headache. They work, I dare to say, perfectly. However, it's like they have a cardiac arrhythmia. Sometimes they skip a tick, quite often, like once every 100-200 cycles. Also, the counters (74163) lose their count from time to time, flipping bits out of order, which, according to their datasheet, is just not possible. So far, I blame this on some timing constraint, of maybe just poor construction. The last board I made, I had to use leadfree solder for the first time in my life, and it didn't go smootly, to say the least.
This all happened back in February. Frustration was overcoming the fun, then, the pandemic came, me and my wife have been working from home since then, and I had to dismantle my humble lab and turn it into an office
So that was when I decided to take a break from the project, get some fresh air, and hopefully, make a good comeback sometime later.
I've been closely following your 100MHz TTL 6502 project, very inspiring, truly amazing. After seeing your logisim model, I'm thinking about trying it myself for the 74HCT6526. I feel like I had a few major issues in my designs from the very beginning, and instead of locating and fixing them, I've been adding more ICs on top of it, specially with the timers. I may try to create them from scratch again. Maybe I've learnt some stuff along the way so I can reach for a better solution. Eventually, you will need a 100MHz 6526 to go with that CPU right?