I was able to get the PDF of "The SYM/KIM Appendix to the First Book of KIM" from okwatts (Thank you!) and here at long last is "Asteroid" running on a SYM-1:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d1a-FScq2EoIt plays pretty much like the KIM-1 version, except that the screen kinda glitches when the keys are pressed, this doesn't happen on the KIM-1 and I believe this is normal and from the way the 74145 is interfaced to the 7-segment displays/keyboard on the SYM-1 as they added a speaker and the decimal point... I guess since they gave you the option of 3 6522s they figured you can just wire up your own joystick
I hope the PDF is added to the Synertek section of 6502.org, if this site and it's info didn't exist my formerly fried SYM-1 would probably have stayed in it's box forever...