Things like combining RDY sources from wait-state generators with that of the stepper, and generating SYNC from the '816's VDA and VPA signals.
For the time being, here is the direct translation of Woz' design to the CMOS age, plus the switch to Phi2 clocking. This version should work with both CMOS and NMOS 6502s, with the caveat that single-cycle NOPs on CMOS CPUs will be treated as "prefixes" to the first subsequent real instruction in instruction-stepping mode, and of course NMOS CPUs will not halt on write cycles in single-cycle mode. The 74HCT part permits use with NMOS CPUs, but can be substituted with a 74HC or 74AC equivalent for optimum CMOS operation.
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Broadly speaking, it works like the escapement mechanism of a mechanical clock. The whole thing is bypassed, with RDY held permanently high, when the Run/Halt switch is set to Run (tying the right /S pin to GND). The SPDT pushbutton switch greatly simplifies debouncing by positively registering both pressed and released states, unlike the SPST switches commonly found in keyboards. Locating such a switch is left as an exercise for the reader.
In the released state, it holds the left flop in the cleared state, and that is the only way that this flop can be cleared. But only when the button is pressed is this state used to trip the right flop into the set state, which raises RDY for the next Phi2 phase. The CPU samples RDY on the Phi2 falling edge, so having it stable at that moment is probably the correct design.
The right flop is automatically cleared (lowering RDY) when either the pushbutton is released or the left flop is set; the latter occurs either on a rising edge of SYNC (which occurs during the Phi1 phase of an opcode fetch cycle, as SYNC is in the "address" group of signals for timing purposes) or immediately after the right flop is set if the Instruction/Cycle switch is set to Cycle (tying the left /S pin to the right /Q). Both of these are in good time to clear the right flop on the next Phi2 rising edge.
Note that in normal operation, the two signals that are pulled by resistors are actively driven to that state at the end of their override period, so the resistor only needs to hold the line in that state and its value is not timing-critical. With CMOS inputs being extremely high impedance, power consumption is also negligible.