JimBoyd wrote:
Fleet Forth conforms to the Forth-83 Standard, which seems more appropriate considering when the C64 came out, and I like the Forth-83 Standard better. Since Fleet Forth conforms to the Forth-83 Standard, I didn't include the form 'c'.
Are the # $ and % forms in the 83 standard? I couldn't find them. I guess what I meant to say is that I've only seen those forms mentioned in the 2012 standard. It does seem useful to me, though, to be able to specify constants in regular Forth code without having to switch the base. I've definitely been bit several times when my 10 was 16 and #10 could have been useful!
JimBoyd wrote:
Yes, I put the value of BASE on the return stack, or rather, I used a word that did. Fleet Forth has the word RB (restore base). When RB is used in a word, whatever the base was prior to executing RB is restored when that word exits, unless it aborts. -NUMBER never aborts. It passes a flag, FALSE for successful conversion, TRUE if it failed.
RB uses the word CO (coroutine).
: CO 2R> SWAP 2>R ;
: RB ( -- )
BASE @ R> 2>R CO
R> BASE ! ;
... because of course your forth has coroutines! That's pretty nifty, and I may have to play around with that.
I will probably just toss the BASE on the return stack because the number processing is written in assembly in Tali2. I think your method of just always tossing the original BASE on the return stack and restoring it regardless of what happened is the way to go. That way I won't need a flag to remember if I need to restore it later or not.
Your trick with the BASE.TABLE is pretty slick. I did not notice before that #, $, and % are all right next to each other in the ASCII table. I was looking through your code trying to see where you compared to those characters and I only saw #. Then I saw you looking up in the table with an index and I had to go pull up an ASCII table. Very nice.
Thanks for the detailed response. It's neat to see how other people tackle a problem. The other neat thing (for me) is that I was able to read/understand your Forth code. When I first starting playing around with Forth, reading other people's code was quite difficult for me. I'll also give a shout out to Garth's suggestions for making things visually clear with indentation and spacing.