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PostPosted: Tue Sep 29, 2020 6:25 pm 

Joined: Tue May 03, 2016 11:32 am
Posts: 41
Does anyone have some text/graphics routines at hand for the 65(c)02/65816 for a graphic LCD with a T6963C or RA6963 controller I may use?

I am experimenting with a Winstar WG12864D module with my SBC and can print some words (actually one right now: TOSHIBA) from the sample Z80 assembly code I "rewrote" into 65c02 assembly.

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PostPosted: Sun Oct 04, 2020 5:50 pm 

Joined: Tue May 03, 2016 11:32 am
Posts: 41
Just want to share my first efforts to write a "driver" for the T6963c/RA6963 graphic LCD controller. I am still using a Winstar WG12864D display (126x64).
(This driver is for my 65816 board, so I mixed in some 65816 methods for printing debug strings using the Supermon816 monitor)

You can find the "reference design" here
Parts to be done/corrected:
- Proper "goto X,Y" routine (by calculating from address pointer);
- Proper position tracking (relates to bullet above);
- Graphics support;
- Optimize code for size/speed?;

If someone has some more ideas/corrections/etc.... ;)

;  L I L I T H   S B C v0.2
;  Graphic LCD Routines
;   For T6963c / RA6963 based controllers
;  Version history:
;   2020-09-30   - 0.1.0 Initial development version
; NOTE: This driver assumes the '816' GALS on Lilith to be installed
; Driver will (only?) include basic routines
; ************
; This code is freeware. Use it, modify it, ridicule it in public, or whatever,
; so long as authorship credit (blame?) is given somewhere to me for the
; base program/driver/etc
; Xander Maas <xjmaas@gmail.com>
; (Additional assembler/linker directives
   .listbytes   255
   .org      $4000
; This entry points/routines
; Hardware entries:
;   glcd_status
;   glcd_data
; "Public" routines:
;   glcd_init   - Initialize the controller
;   glcd_posxy   - Sets cursors position (incomplete, have to find out
;           how to do the proper calculations for current address
;           pointer reference)
;   glcd_putcha   - Prints character to LCD (incomplete, missing proper
;           <LF> and <CR> handling.
;   glcd_home   - Clears screen and moves cursor to top left position
; "Test/Demo" routines:
;   glcd_demo   - Prints "Lilith Bios version info" and a "real long"
;           string.   
; Support routines:
;   glcd_cmd
;   glcd_2byte
;   glcd_1byte
;   glcd_wait
;   glcd_autowrite
;   glcd_autoread

; Only needed during initial development
s_byte      = 1
s_word      = 2
s_xword      = 3
s_dword      = 4

; Local macros
   .macro   gLCD_Version
   .byte   '0'         ; Major
   .byte    '.'
   .byte   '1'         ; Minor
   .byte   '.'
   .byte   '0'         ; Revision
; Zero Page/Direct Page usage
waitSTA      = glcd_zeropage      ; STA mask and compare value
ptrCursor   = waitSTA      + s_byte   ; Cursor pointer    (LSB - MSB)
regOffset   = ptrCursor    + s_word   ; Offset register
ptrAddress   = regOffset    + s_byte   ; Address pointer    (LSB - MSB)

homeAddrTxt   = ptrAddress   + s_word   ; Text home address    (LSB - MSB)
areaTxt      = homeAddrTxt  + s_word ; Text area
homeAddrGrph   = areaTxt      + s_byte ; Graphics home address   (LSB - MSB)
areaGrph   = homeAddrGrph + s_word ; Graphic area

CH      = areaGrph     + s_byte ; New horizontal position
CV      = CH           + s_byte ; New vertical position
; Constants
glcd_zeropage   = $30         ; Base address of Zero Page usage

glcd_data   = $c300         ; Currently hardcoded?
glcd_control   = $c301

n_columns   = 16         ; Number of columns
n_rows      = 4         ; Number or rows

BELL      = $07         ; <Bell>
LF      = $0a         ; <LF>
CR      = $0d         ; <CR>
SPACE      = $20         ; <Space>

; T6963c/RA6963 commands
; Register settings
setCursor   = $21         ; Set cursor pointer
setOffset   = $22         ; Set offset register
setAddrPtr   = $24         ; Set address pointer
; Control Word
txtHome      = $40         ; Set text home address
txtArea      = $41         ; Set text area
grphHome   = $42         ; Set graphic home address
grphArea   = $43         ; Set graphic area
; Mode Set
setOR      = $80
setXOR      = $81
setAND      = $83
setTxtAttr   = $84         ; Text attribute mode
intCGROM   = $00         ; Use internal Char generator
extCGRAM   = $08         ; Use external Char generator
; Display Mode
modeDispOff   = $90         ; Turn display off
modeCur0Blnk0   = $91         ; **UNSUPPORTED/NON_EXISTANT? Cursor off
modeCur1Blnk0   = $92         ; Cursor on, blink off
modeCur1Blnk1   = $93         ; Cursor on, blink on
modeTxt1Grph0   = $94         ; Text on,  graphic off
modeTxt0Grph1   = $98         ; Text off, graphic on
modeTxt1Grph1   = $9c         ; Text on,  graphic on
; Cursor Pattern
cur1      = $a0         ; 1-line cursor
cur2      = $a1         ; 2-line cursor
cur3      = $a2         ; 3-line cursor
cur4      = $a3         ; 4-line cursor
cur5      = $a4         ; 5-line cursor
cur6      = $a5         ; 6-line cursor
cur7      = $a6         ; 7-line cursor
cur8      = $a7         ; 8-line cursor
; Data Auto Read/Write
dataAutoWrite   = $b0         ; Set data auto write
dataAutoRead   = $b1         ; Set data auto read
dataAutoReset   = $b2         ; Reset data auto read/write
; Data Read/Write
writeIncAddrPtr   = $c0         ; Write data - incr address pointer
readIncAddrPtr   = $c1         ; Read data  - incr address pointer
writeDecAddrPtr   = $c2         ; Write data - decr address pointer
readDecAddrPtr   = $c3         ; Read data  - decr address pointer
writeNonAddrPtr   = $c4         ; Write data - leave address pointer
readNonAddrPtr   = $c5         ; Read data  - leave address pointer
; Screen Peek
scrPeek      = $e0         ;
; Screen Copy
scrCopy      = $e8         ; Copy 1 single line to grpahic area
; Bit Set/Reset
bitreSet   = $f0         ; Reset bit
bitSet      = $f8         ; Set bit
bit0      = $00         ;=======================
bit1      = $01         ; Use these by adding this to ...
bit2      = $02         ; ... bitSet or bitReset.
bit3      = $03         ; example to set bit #5:
bit4      = $04         ;    lda   #bitSet+bit5
bit5      = $05
bit6      = $06
bit7      = $07

; Additional RA6963 commands
inverse      = $d0         ; Enable/disable reverse screen
               ; (Data bit #0 = enable/disable)
setBlink   = $50         ; Sets blink time
setAutoMove   = $60         ; Set cursor auto move
               ; (Data 1, bit #0 = enable/disable)
fontSelect   = $70         ; Change the CG ROM font

; BIOS/Monitor routines (Lilith Supermon816 impementation)
;    Change this for your own system
DPYHEX      = $e75a         ; Print byte as hex value
NEWLINE      = $e771         ; Print <LF> & <CR>
SPRINT      = $e786         ; Print C-string
PUTCHA      = $fedf         ; Print a character

; Public routines
; glcd_init
; Clear the screen, set the base addresses for text and graphics. Also
; clears the RAM (write $00s).
; Returns with gLCD in text mode
; TODO: (useful for gLCD detection?)
;    Carry clear => error/no controller found (based on timeout?)
;    Carry set   => OK
   pea   mm_dispoff
   jsr   SPRINT
   lda   #%00000011      ; As we use STA0 and STA1 the most
   sta   waitSTA         ; during commands, set this as standard
   lda   #modeDispOff      ; While init, turn off display
   jsr   glcd_cmd
; Set mode (OR-mode, Internal CG ROM)
   pea   mm_setMode
   jsr   SPRINT
   lda   #(setOR | intCGROM)
   jsr   glcd_cmd
; Clear Text RAM area
   pea   mm_clrTxt
   jsr   SPRINT
   lda   #$00         ; Set Address pointer
   ldx   #$00         ; Clear from $0000 to $03ff
   jsr   glcd_2byte
   lda   #setAddrPtr
   jsr   glcd_cmd
   lda   #dataAutoWrite      ; Turn on auto (bulk) write
   jsr   glcd_cmd
   pea   mm_startAWrite
   jsr   SPRINT
   lda   #%00001000      ; Starting Auto Read/Write implies
   sta   waitSTA         ; setting STA2/3 bit
   ldy   #$00         ; Blank 4 RAM pages
   pea   mm_clearPage
   jsr   SPRINT
   ldx   #$00         ;
   lda   #$00         ; Value to write - $00
   jsr   glcd_autowrite      ; Perform auto (bulk) write
   cpx   #$00
   bne   @byteTxt      ; If .X not yet < $00, next page
   cpy   #$04
   bne   @pageTxt      ; If .Y not yet < $00, next page

; Clear graphic area with $00
; 1024 bytes: 8 pixels per byte, (128 / 8) * 64 lines
   pea   mm_clrGrph
   jsr   SPRINT
   lda   #$00         
   ldx   #$10
   sta   homeAddrGrph      ; Save LSB
   stx   homeAddrGrph+ 1      ; Save MSB
   jsr   glcd_2byte
   lda   #setAddrPtr
   jsr   glcd_cmd
   ldy   #$00
   pea   mm_clearPage
   jsr   SPRINT
   ldx   #$00
   lda   #$00
   jsr   glcd_autowrite
   cpx   #$00
   bne   @byteGR
   cpy   #$04         ; 4 pages = 1kB
   bne   @pageGR
; When done with auto (bulk) write
   lda   #dataAutoReset      ; Reset auto (bulk) function(s)
   jsr   glcd_cmd
   lda   #%00000011      ; Restore "Normal wait" => STA0 | STA1
   sta   waitSTA
; We set text home address to $0100, so we might be able to implement some
; scroll effects later?
   pea   mm_setTxtHome
   jsr   SPRINT
   lda   #$00         ; LSB - $00
   ldx   #$01         ; MSB - $01
   sta   homeAddrTxt      ; Save for reference
   stx   homeAddrTxt + 1
   jsr   glcd_2byte
   lda   #txtHome
   jsr   glcd_cmd
; We set graphic home address to $1000
   pea   mm_setGrphHome
   jsr   SPRINT
   lda   #$00         ; LSB - $00
   ldx   #$10         ; MSB - $10
   sta   homeAddrGrph
   stx   homeAddrGrph + 1
   jsr   glcd_2byte
   lda   #grphHome
   jsr   glcd_cmd

; Set text/graphic area
   pea   mm_setTxtArea
   jsr   SPRINT
   lda   #n_columns      ; Number of columns as defined above
   ldx   #$00         ; Always $00
   jsr   glcd_2byte
   lda   #txtArea
   jsr   glcd_cmd
   lda   #grphArea      ; As the arguments are the same
   jsr   glcd_cmd
; Turn on Text mode,
   pea   mm_txtOn
   jsr   SPRINT
   lda   #(modeTxt1Grph0 | modeCur1Blnk1)
   jsr   glcd_cmd

   pea   mm_initDone
   jsr   SPRINT
; Set initial Cursor position (0,0)
   lda   #$00
   ldx   #$00
   sta   ptrCursor      ; Store current cursor position
   stx   ptrCursor + 1      ; in shadow register(s) in ZP/DP
   jsr   glcd_2byte
   lda   #setCursor
   jsr   glcd_cmd
   rts            ; Done
; glcd_posxy
; Sets cursor, uses two ZP/DP addresses
; Prerequisites:
;   CH - Horizontal position
;   CV - Vertical position
; NOTE: We do not save the corrected values to CH/CV, maybe we may need
;   them somewhere else?
   pea   mm_posxy
   jsr   SPRINT
   lda   CH         ; Check for valid value, otherwise
   jsr   DPYHEX
   cmp   #n_columns      ; calculate correct value
   beq   @check_rows      ; No recalculation needed...
   sbc   #n_columns      ; Subtract n_columns until ...
   bcs   @modColumns      ; ... we borrow
   adc   #n_columns      ; Add n_columns to get CH % n_columns
   sta   ptrCursor      ; Save new horizontal position

   lda   CV         ; Check for valid value, otherwise
   jsr   DPYHEX
   cmp   #n_rows         ; calculate correct value
   beq   @set         ; No recalculation needed
   sbc   #n_rows         ; Subtract n_rows until ...
   bcs   @modRows      ; ... we borrow
   adc   #n_rows         ; Add n_rows to get CV % n_rows
   sta   ptrCursor + 1      ; Save new vertical position

   tax            ; Vertical position moved to .X
   lda   ptrCursor      ; Reload  new horizontal position
   jsr   glcd_2byte
   lda   #setCursor
   jsr   glcd_cmd
; glcd_putcha
; Sends an ASCII character to the controller by subtracting $20
; Converts non printable characters to <Space> with the folowing
; exceptions:
;   <Bell>    - [NOT IMPLEMENTED YET!] Will "Flash" screen
;   <LF>   - Will move one line down (in future even scroll?)
;   <CR>   - Will move cursor to left most position
; When printing a value, it will also increment ZP ptrCursor and wrap?
; Prerequisites:
;   .A - Contains ASCII value to print
   pea   mm_putcha
   jsr   SPRINT
   cmp   #BELL
   bne   @chkLF
   pea   mm_putchaBell
   jsr   SPRINT
   bra   @done
   cmp   #LF
   bne   @chkCR
   pea   mm_putchaLF
   jsr   SPRINT
   cmp   #CR
   bne   @char
   pea   mm_putchaCR
   jsr   SPRINT
   cmp   #SPACE         ; Is it a <Space> or higher?
   bmi   @non         ; No, so we replace it

   ; Would a BIT to skip to bytes be faster?
   bra   @print         ; Seems we can print it safely?
   lda   #'.'         ; We got a non-printable character,
               ; so we print a ., for now...
   pha            ; Debug
   pea   mm_putcha_char      ; Print when entering part
   jsr   SPRINT         ; followed by ...
   jsr   PUTCHA         ; ... the character to print ...
   ; Prepare byte for LCD Char generator table (.A - $20)
   sbc   #$20
   jsr   glcd_1byte
   lda   #writeIncAddrPtr
   jsr   glcd_cmd
   ; Track current "cursor" position
   lda   ptrAddress      
   adc   #$01
   sta   ptrAddress
   bcc   @cursor
   lda   ptrAddress + 1
   adc   #$00
   sta   ptrAddress + 1
   lda   ptrCursor
   adc   #$01
   sta   ptrCursor
   bcc   @done
   lda   ptrCursor + 1
   adc   #$01
   sta   ptrCursor + 1
   jsr   glcd_setcursor

; glcd_home
; Clears the screen and moves the cursor to the top left
; position
   ; Clear Text RAM area
   pea   mm_clrTxt
   jsr   SPRINT
   lda   #$00         ; Set Address pointer
   ldx   #$00         ; Clear from $0000 to $03ff
   jsr   glcd_2byte
   lda   #setAddrPtr
   jsr   glcd_cmd
   lda   #dataAutoWrite      ; Turn on auto (bulk) write
   jsr   glcd_cmd
   pea   mm_startAWrite
   jsr   SPRINT
   lda   #%00001000      ; Starting Auto Write implies read STA3
   sta   waitSTA
   ldy   #$00         ; Blank 4 RAM pages
   pea   mm_clearPage
   jsr   SPRINT
   ldx   #$00         ;
   lda   #$00         ; Value to write - $00
   jsr   glcd_autowrite      ; Perform auto (bulk) write
   cpx   #$00
   bne   @byteTxt      ; If .X not yet < $00, next page
   cpy   #$04
   bne   @pageTxt      ; If .Y not yet < $00, next page

; Clear graphic area with $00
; 1024 bytes: 8 pixels per byte, (128 / 8) * 64 lines
   pea   mm_clrGrph
   jsr   SPRINT
   lda   #$00         
   ldx   #$10
   sta   homeAddrGrph      ; Save LSB
   stx   homeAddrGrph+ 1      ; Save MSB
   jsr   glcd_2byte
   lda   #setAddrPtr
   jsr   glcd_cmd
   ldy   #$00
   pea   mm_clearPage
   jsr   SPRINT
   ldx   #$00
   lda   #$00
   jsr   glcd_autowrite
   cpx   #$00
   bne   @byteGR
   cpy   #$04         ; 4 pages = 1kB
   bne   @pageGR
; When done with auto (bulk) write
   lda   #dataAutoReset      ; Reset auto (bulk) function(s)
   jsr   glcd_cmd

   lda   #%00000011      ; Restore "Normal" STA0 | STA1
   sta   waitSTA
   stz   CH         ; Set X, Y to 0
   stz   CV
   jsr   glcd_posxy
; Reset text home address to $0100
   pea   mm_setTxtHome
   jsr   SPRINT
   lda   #$00         ; LSB - $00
   ldx   #$01         ; MSB - $01
   sta   homeAddrTxt      ; Save for reference
   stx   homeAddrTxt + 1
   jsr   glcd_2byte
   lda   #txtHome
   jsr   glcd_cmd
; Reset graphic home address to $1000
   pea   mm_setGrphHome
   jsr   SPRINT
   lda   #$00         ; LSB - $00
   ldx   #$10         ; MSB - $10
   sta   homeAddrGrph
   stx   homeAddrGrph + 1
   jsr   glcd_2byte
   lda   #grphHome
   jsr   glcd_cmd

; Reset text/graphic area
   pea   mm_setTxtArea
   jsr   SPRINT
   lda   #n_columns      ; Number of columns as defined above
   ldx   #$00         ; Always $00
   jsr   glcd_2byte
   lda   #txtArea
   jsr   glcd_cmd
   lda   #grphArea      ; As the arguments are the same
   jsr   glcd_cmd
; Set Text Address Pointer to known value
   lda   homeAddrTxt
   ldx   homeAddrTxt + 1
   sta   ptrAddress
   stx   ptrAddress + 1
   jsr   glcd_2byte
   lda   #setAddrPtr
   jsr   glcd_cmd
; Set cursor position to known position (0,0)
   stz   ptrCursor
   stz   ptrCursor + 1
   jsr   glcd_setcursor

; Demo routine
   lda   #$00
   ldx   #$01
   jsr   glcd_2byte
   lda   #setAddrPtr
   jsr   glcd_cmd
   ldx   #$00
   lda   mm_lilithBios, X
   beq   @doneFirst
   jsr   glcd_putcha
   bra   @next
   jsr   glcd_home
   lda   #$00
   ldx   #$01
   jsr   glcd_2byte
   lda   #setAddrPtr
   jsr   glcd_cmd
   ldx   #$00
   lda   mm_testLong, X
   beq   @done
   jsr   glcd_putcha
   bra   @next1
; Graphic LCD Support routines   
; glcd_cmd
; Send a command to the controller
   jsr   glcd_wait      ; Wait until controller is ready
   sta   glcd_control      ; Send command to controller

; glcd_2byte
; Send two bytes of data to the controller
; Registers:
;   .A => must contain byte #1
;   .X => must contain byte #2
   jsr   glcd_wait      ; Wait until the controller is ready
   sta   glcd_data      ; Send byte
   txa            ; .X ==> .A
;   Flow into
; vvvvvvvvvvvvv
; glcd_1byte
; Send one byte of data to the controller
; Registers:
;   .A => must contain byte #1
   jsr   glcd_wait      ; Wait until the controller is ready
   sta   glcd_data      ; Send byte
; glcd_wait
; Wait for the controller to process a previous data or command transfer
; Prerequites:
;   Use ZP/DP address for mask, e.g. for STA0 and STA1
;      lda   #%00000011   ; $03
;      sta   waitSTA      ;
; Registers:
;    .A - preserved
   pha            ; Save .A
;   pea   mm_waitGLCD
;   jsr   SPRINT
   lda   glcd_control
   and   waitSTA         ; Mask of bits based on waitSTA
   cmp   waitSTA         ; Are these bits set?
   bne   @wait         ; No, we have to wait...
   pla            ; Restore .A

; glcd_autowrite
; Routine used for "bulk" data transport to controller
; Prerequisites:
;   .A - data (byte) to send to controller
;   pea   mm_autoWrite
;   jsr   SPRINT
   jsr   glcd_wait      ; Wait for controller to become ready
   sta   glcd_data      ; Send data

; glcd_autoread
; Routine used for "bulk" data transport from controller
; Registers:
;   .A - Will contain byte read from controller
;   .X - Saved to stack and restored
   jsr   glcd_wait      ; Wait for controller to become ready
   lda   glcd_data      ; Send data
; glcd_setcursor
; Set the (text) cursor to the position as indicated by ZP registers
;    ptrCursor    - X-position
;   ptrCursor + 1   - Y-position
   lda    ptrCursor
   ldx   ptrCursor + 1
   jsr   glcd_2byte
   lda   #setCursor
   jsr   glcd_cmd
; Static info, strings
   .byte   $0a, $0d, "Lilith BIOS", $0a, $0d
   .byte   $00
; For debug - ZP Usage
   .byte   glcd_zeropage
   .byte   waitSTA
   .byte   ptrCursor
   .byte   regOffset
   .byte   ptrAddress
   .byte   homeAddrTxt
   .byte   areaTxt
   .byte   homeAddrGrph
   .byte   areaGrph
   .byte   CH
   .byte   CV
   .byte   $0a, $0d, "LCD - Init", $00
   .byte   $0a, $0d, "LCD --- Set mode", $00
   .byte   $0a, $0d, "LCD --- Clear Text RAM Area", $00
   .byte   $0a, $0d, "LCD --- Clear Graphic RAM area", $00
   .byte   $0a, $0d, "LCD --- Set Text Home address", $00
   .byte   $0a, $0d, "LCD --- Set Graphic Home address", $00
   .byte   $0a, $0d, "LCD --- Set Text area", $00
   .byte   $0a, $0d, "LCD --- Set Graphic area", $00
   .byte   $0a, $0d, "LCD --- Turn on Text mode", $00
   .byte   $0a, $0d, "LCD - Init Done...", $00
   .byte   $0a, $0d, "LCD --- Wait for controller", $00
   .byte   $0a, $0d, "LCD --- Enable Auto Write", $00
   .byte   $0a, $0d, "LCD --- Running Auto Write", $00
   .byte   $0a, $0d, "LCD --- Reset Auto Read/Write", $00
   .byte   $0a, $0d, "LCD ------ Clearing memory page", $00

   .byte   $0a, $0d, "LCD - putcha", $00
   .byte   $0a, $0d, "LCD --- <LF> detected", $00
   .byte   $0a, $0d, "LCD --- <CR> detected", $00
   .byte   $0a, $0d, "LCD --- <Bell> detected", $00
   .byte   $0a, $0d, "LCD --- Normal character detected: ", $00
   .byte   $0a, $0d, "LCD - posxy", $00
   .byte   $0a, $0d, "LCD -- THIS IS A VERY LONG STRING  -- LCD", $00

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PostPosted: Sun Oct 04, 2020 6:50 pm 
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Joined: Fri Aug 30, 2002 1:09 am
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Location: Southern California
xjmaas wrote:
Does anyone have some text/graphics routines at hand for the 65(c)02/65816 for a graphic LCD with a T6963C or RA6963 controller I may use?

Are either of those the number of the driver IC? If not, do you have that on hand? I've used 64x128 graphic LCD with the the Samsung S6B1713 a little bit in SPI mode, as can be seen in the few seconds of video about a third of the way down the 65 primer's displays page, at http://wilsonminesco.com/6502primer/displays.html .

http://WilsonMinesCo.com/ lots of 6502 resources
The "second front page" is http://wilsonminesco.com/links.html .
What's an additional VIA among friends, anyhow?

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PostPosted: Sun Oct 04, 2020 7:22 pm 

Joined: Tue May 03, 2016 11:32 am
Posts: 41

Are either of those the number of the driver IC? If not, do you have that on hand? I've used 64x128 graphic LCD with the the Samsung S6B1713 a little bit in SPI mode, as can be seen in the few seconds of video about a third of the way down the 65 primer's displays page, at http://wilsonminesco.com/6502primer/displays.html .

Yes, it is the T6963C (or it's compatible cousin RA6963).

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