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 Post subject: 6502 vs 6800
PostPosted: Mon Sep 21, 2020 7:07 pm 

Joined: Sat Jul 09, 2016 6:01 pm
Posts: 180
Let's say we have a table of COUNT records which have the next structure
int8_t a
uint16_t b
uint16_b c
We need to get uint32_t sum which can be get by the next formula
sum += 0, if a = 0 (A)
sum += 3b, if a > 0 (B)
sum += c, if a < 0 (C)
The code for the 6502 can be such
    ;sum - 4 zp bytes
    ;tab_addr - 2 zp bytes
    ;cnt - 2 zp bytes
    ;t - 2 zp bytes
    lda #0
    sta sum
    sta sum+1
    sta sum+2
    sta sum+3
    lda #lo(tab)
    sta tab_addr
    lda #hi(tab)
    sta tab_addr+1
    lda #lo(65536-COUNT)
    sta cnt
    lda #hi(65536-COUNT)
    sta cnt+1
    ldy #0
    lda (tab_addr),y
    beq next
    bmi alt

    ldy #2      ;offset of hi(b)
    lda (tab_addr),y
    sta t1
    lda (tab_addr),y
    rol t1
    lda #0
    sta t1+1
    adc (tab_addr),y
    lda (tab_addr),y
    adc t1
    sta t1
    bcc l1

    inc t1+1
l1  txa
    adc sum
    sta sum
    lda t1
    adc sum+1
    sta sum+1
    lda t1+1
    adc sum+2
    sta sum+2
    bcc next
    bcs l4

alt ldy #3      ;offset of lo(c)
    lda (tab_addr),y
    adc sum
    sta sum
    lda (tab_addr),y
    adc sum+1
    sta sum+1
    bcc next

    inc sum+2
    bne next
    inc sum+3
    lda tab_addr
    adc #5    ;size of the record
    sta tab_addr
    bcc l3

    inc tab_addr
l3  inc cnt
    bne loop

    inc cnt+1
    bne loop

This is not self-modifying code. Timings for the 6502 can be calculated with formula COUNT*(28 + 3A + 103B + 39C)
What can the 6800 show?

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 Post subject: Re: 6502 vs 6800
PostPosted: Tue Sep 22, 2020 10:52 am 

Joined: Thu Mar 12, 2020 10:04 pm
Posts: 702
Location: North Tejas
                          00001 *
                          00002 * Let's say we have a table of COUNT records which have the next structure
                          00003 * int8_t a
                          00004 * uint16_t b
                          00005 * uint16_b c
                          00006 * We need to get uint32_t sum which can be get by the next formula
                          00007 * sum += 0, if a = 0 (A)
                          00008 * sum += 3b, if a > 0 (B)
                          00009 * sum += c, if a < 0 (C)
                          00010 *
                          00011 * Scoreboard: (assuming Count < 256, final sum < 64K)
                          00012 *   28           cycles for setup
                          00013 *   20*(Count-1) cycles for incrementing X
                          00014 *
                          00015 *   19           cycles for each a = 0
                          00016 *   69           cycles for each a > 0
                          00017 *   51           cycles for each a < 0
                          00018 *
                          00019 *   15           cycles to exit
                          00020 *
                          00022 * Next 10
                          00023 * AddToSum + Next 42 = 18 + 10
 0000                     00025          org    0
 0000                     00027 Sum      rmb    4
 0004                     00028 Cnt      rmb    2
 0003                     00030 Count    equ    3
 0000                     00032 A_       equ    0
 0001                     00033 B_       equ    1
 0003                     00034 C_       equ    3
 0100                     00036          org    $100
 0100                     00038 DoIt
 0100 CE 0000         [3] 00039          ldx    #0        ; Clear the sum
 0103 DF 00           [5] 00040          stx    Sum
 0105 DF 02           [5] 00041          stx    Sum+2
 0107 CE FFFD         [3] 00043          ldx    #-Count   ; Set to count up to 0
 010A DF 04           [5] 00044          stx    Cnt
 010C CE 0200         [3] 00046          ldx    #Table    ; Point to table
 010F 20 05 (0116)    [4] 00048          bra    First     ; Skip incrementing of X
 0111                     00050 Loop
 0111 08              [4] 00051          inx              ; Point to the next entry
 0112 08              [4] 00052          inx
 0113 08              [4] 00053          inx
 0114 08              [4] 00054          inx
 0115 08              [4] 00055          inx
 0116                     00057 First
 0116 A6 00           [5] 00058          ldaa   A_,X      ; What kind of entry?
 0118 27 1C (0136)    [4] 00059          beq    Next      ; a = 0
 011A 2A 25 (0141)    [4] 00060          bpl    DoB       ; a > 0
 011C                     00062 DoC
 011C A6 03           [5] 00063          ldaa   C_,X      ; Load c into A:B
 011E E6 04           [5] 00064          ldab   C_+1,X
 0120                     00066 AddToSum
 0120 DB 03           [3] 00067          addb   Sum+3     ; Add A:B to Sum
 0122 D7 03           [4] 00068          stab   Sum+3
 0124 99 02           [3] 00069          adca   Sum+2
 0126 97 02           [4] 00070          staa   Sum+2
 0128 24 0C (0136)    [4] 00071          bcc    Next      ; Less than 64K
 012A 96 01           [3] 00072          ldaa   Sum+1
 012C 89 00           [2] 00073          adca   #0
 012E 97 01           [4] 00074          staa   Sum+1
 0130 96 00           [3] 00075          ldaa   Sum
 0132 89 00           [2] 00076          adca   #0
 0134 97 00           [4] 00077          staa   Sum
 0136                     00079 Next
 0136 7C 0005         [6] 00080          inc    Cnt+1     ; More to do?
 0139 26 D6 (0111)    [4] 00081          bne    Loop
 013B 7C 0004         [6] 00082          inc    Cnt
 013E 26 D1 (0111)    [4] 00083          bne    Loop
 0140 39              [5] 00085          rts
 0141                     00087 DoB
 0141 E6 02           [5] 00088          ldab   B_+1,X    ; Load b into A:B
 0143 A6 01           [5] 00089          ldaa   B_,X
 0145 58              [2] 00091          lslb             ; Multiply by 2
 0146 49              [2] 00092          rola
 0147 EB 02           [5] 00094          addb   B_+1,X    ; Multiply by 3
 0149 A9 01           [5] 00095          adca   B_,X
 014B 20 D3 (0120)    [4] 00097          bra    AddToSum  ; Go add and repeat
 0200                     00099          org    $200
 0200                     00101 Table
 0200 00                  00102          fcb    0
 0201 0000                00103          fdb    0
 0203 0000                00104          fdb    0
 0205 01                  00106          fcb    1
 0206 0102                00107          fdb    258
 0208 0000                00108          fdb    0
 020A FF                  00110          fcb    -1
 020B 0000                00111          fdb    0
 020D 01FF                00112          fdb    511

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 Post subject: Re: 6502 vs 6800
PostPosted: Tue Sep 22, 2020 5:56 pm 

Joined: Sat Jul 09, 2016 6:01 pm
Posts: 180
BillG wrote:
                          00001 *

Thank you. Your code shows COUNT*(35+4A+50B+36C) timings - it is much better than the 6502 code for the +3b case, the second accumulator makes this difference. It confirms that for two-byte arithmetic the 6800 has an advantage over the 6502.
Let's try strings. We have a null-terminated string and we need to uppercase it.
;pstr - 2 bytes on zp
    lda #hi(string)
    sta pstr+1
    lda #lo(string)
    sta pstr
    ldy #0
    lda (pstr),y
    beq exit

    cmp #'z'+1
    bcs next

    cmp #'a'
    bcc next

    eor #$20
    sta (pstr),y
    bne loop
    inc pstr+1
    bne loop

The 6502 has LENGTH*(14.5 + 3Z + 7A + 14C) ticks timing where Z is a number of cases when a char is strictly above 'z', A - when a char is equal or below 'a', C - when a char is a lowercase letter. IMHO the 6800 has about LENGTH*(19+4Z+10A+17C) ticks and this means it is about 30% slower. Are you agree or can you show better the 6800 timings?
Let's also realize a C-function strcmp().
   ;pstr1 and pstr2 are 2 byte on zp
    lda #hi(string1)
    sta pstr1+1
    lda #lo(string1)
    sta pstr1
    lda #hi(string2)
    sta pstr2+1
    lda #lo(string2)
    sta pstr2
    ldy #0
    lda (pstr1),y
    beq l1

    sbc (pstr2),y
    bne l2

    bne loop

    inc pstr1+1
    inc pstr2+1
    bne loop

l1  sbc (pstr2),y

It takes 20 cycles for a char while chars are equal. If strings differ in the first chars it takes 16 cycles. IMHO the 6800 must be much worse for this typical code.

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 Post subject: Re: 6502 vs 6800
PostPosted: Wed Sep 23, 2020 12:35 am 

Joined: Thu Mar 12, 2020 10:04 pm
Posts: 702
Location: North Tejas
I do not have time to play right now.

Can we just agree that the 6800 is not 2 to 4 times slower than the 6502?

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 Post subject: Re: 6502 vs 6800
PostPosted: Wed Sep 23, 2020 4:49 pm 

Joined: Fri Apr 15, 2016 1:03 am
Posts: 139
Here are some 6800 code samples for comparison.

Uppercase a string.
Keeping the single pointer in the X register works well.
    ldx #string      ; 3 bytes, 3 cycles
    bra endchk      ; 2 bytes, 4 cycles

    cmpa #'z'+1      ; 2 bytes, 2 cycles
    bcc next      ; 2 bytes, 4 cycles

    cmpa #'a'      ; 2 bytes, 2 cycles
    bcs next      ; 2 bytes, 4 cycles

    eora #$20      ; 2 bytes, 2 cycles
    staa 0,x      ; 2 bytes, 6 cycles
    inx         ; 1 byte, 4 cycles
    ldaa 0,x              ; 2 bytes, 5 cycles
    bne do              ; 2 bytes, 4 cycles

Shuttling the 2 pointers in & out of the X register slows things down.
  ;pstr1 and pstr2 are 2 byte on zp

    ldx #string1      ; 3 bytes, 3 cycles
    stx pstr1      ; 2 bytes, 5 cycles
    ldx #string2      ; 3 bytes, 3 cycles
    stx pstr2      ; 2 bytes, 5 cycles
    ldx pstr1      ; 2 bytes, 4 cycles
    ldaa 0,x         ; 2 bytes, 5 cycles
    beq l1         ; 2 bytes, 4 cycles
    inx         ; 1 byte, 4 cycles
    stx pstr1      ; 2 bytes, 5 cycles

    ldx pstr2      ; 2 bytes, 4 cycles
    suba 0,x      ; 2 bytes, 5 cycles
    bne l2         ; 2 bytes, 4 cycles
    inx         ; 1 byte, 4 cycles
    stx pstr2      ; 2 bytes, 5 cycles

    bra loop      ; 2 bytes, 4 cycles

l1  ldx pstr2      ; 2 bytes, 5 cycles
    suba 0,x      ; 2 bytes, 5 cycles

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 Post subject: Re: 6502 vs 6800
PostPosted: Thu Sep 24, 2020 7:18 pm 

Joined: Sat Jul 09, 2016 6:01 pm
Posts: 180
BillG wrote:
Can we just agree that the 6800 is not 2 to 4 times slower than the 6502?

It seems that the 6800 is ready to give in. ;)
It is a claim from MOS technology that the 6501/6502 is 2-4 times faster than the 6800. So we need to have thorough testing to get a base for our own conclusions. You know that I estimates the 6502/6800 general performance ratio close to 2:1. Of course I know that for two byte math and especially signed the 6800 can be even faster than the 6502 but such math is rather rare for the 8-bit programming. The main problem of the 6800 is the address register starving because the 6502 can use 128 zp pseudo-registers, this can gives the 6502 2-3 times advantage for not very simple calculations. Other the 6502 advantages: faster jumps, fast RMW on zp, faster counters (because of two index registers) - I am sure it is possible to add several more items to this list... Typical string operations shows more than 2 times faster code for the 6502. The similar picture should be for one byte arithmetic. So it is quite plausible for me that the 6502 is generally about 2 times faster than the 6800.
It is interesting for me to compare performances of the 6800 and 6502 on fast sorting algorithms. For the 6502 I can point on a Shell sort implementation - https://codebase64.org/doku.php?id=base ... t_elements and a quick sort implementation - https://codebase64.org/doku.php?id=base ... t_elements
We need to prepare several identical filling patterns (random, ordered, reversed, zeros, etc.). IMHO the 6502 should be at least 2 times faster with this quick sort than the 6800.
leepivonka wrote:
Here are some 6800 code samples for comparison.

Thank you very much. We have got LENGTH*(15+4Z+10A+18C) for the first case and that means that the 6800 is about 35% slower. For the second case we have got 48 the 6800's cycles where the 6502 uses only 20. So the 6502 is 2.4 faster for this case. We can estimate similar numbers for other typical operations for strings: strcpy, memcpy, strstr, ...

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 Post subject: Re: 6502 vs 6800
PostPosted: Thu Sep 24, 2020 7:47 pm 

Joined: Thu Mar 03, 2011 5:56 pm
Posts: 284
Warning: I haven't done any 6800 programming since early 1986, and that was not by any means extensive.

If self-modifying code is acceptable, would something like the following work?


    ldx #string1      ; 3 bytes, 3 cycles
    stx m1+1          ; 2 bytes, 5 cycles
    ldx #string2      ; 3 bytes, 3 cycles
    stx m2+1          ; 2 bytes, 5 cycles
    stx m3+1
    ldx #0            ; 3 bytes, 3 cycles
    ldaa 0,x          ; 2 bytes, 5 cycles
    beq l1            ; 2 bytes, 4 cycles
    suba 0,x          ; 2 bytes, 5 cycles
    bne l2            ; 2 bytes, 4 cycles
    inx               ; 1 byte, 4 cycles
    bra loop          ; 2 bytes, 4 cycles
    suba 0,x          ; 2  bytes, 5 cycles

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 Post subject: Re: 6502 vs 6800
PostPosted: Thu Sep 24, 2020 10:00 pm 
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Joined: Sun Jun 30, 2013 10:26 pm
Posts: 1948
Location: Sacramento, CA, USA
rwiker wrote:
...would something like the following work?

No. Those STX instructions are going to overwrite your BNE and BEQ opcodes. You're trying to stuff 16-bits of address into an 8-bit operand.

On the 6800 the only "quick" way to deal with two randomly located strings is to disable IRQs, bring in the S register and hope that you don't get burned by an NMI. If the starting addresses of the strings are <256 from each other, then you can use a variation of your idea.

Got a kilobyte lying fallow in your 65xx's memory map? Sprinkle some VTL02C on it and see how it grows on you!

Mike B. (about me) (learning how to github)

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 Post subject: Re: 6502 vs 6800
PostPosted: Thu Sep 24, 2020 10:25 pm 

Joined: Thu Mar 12, 2020 10:04 pm
Posts: 702
Location: North Tejas
barrym95838 wrote:
On the 6800 the only "quick" way to deal with two randomly located strings is to disable IRQs, bring in the S register and hope that you don't get burned by an NMI.

That was my thought exactly.

                          00001 *
                          00002 * Convert zero terminated string to upper case.
                          00003 *
                          00004 * Scoreboard:
                          00005 *
                          00006 *   10 cycles to setup
                          00007 *
                          00008 *   16 cycles for each character < 'a'
                          00009 *   22 cycles for each character > 'z'
                          00010 *   36 cycles for each lower case character
                          00011 *
                          00012 *   21 cycles to exit
                          00013 *
 0000                     00015 StkSav   rmb    2
 0100                     00017          org    $100
 0100 9F 00           [5] 00019          sts    StkSav    ; Save stack pointer
 0102 0F              [2] 00021          sei              ; Disable interrupts
 0103 8E 01FF         [3] 00023          lds    #String-1 ; Point stack pointer to string
 0106                     00025 Loop
 0106 32              [4] 00026          pula             ; Get a character
 0107 4D              [2] 00028          tsta             ; End of string?
 0108 27 0E (0118)    [4] 00029          beq    Exit      ; Yes
 010A 81 61           [2] 00031          cmpa   #'a'      ; Below lower case 'a'?
 010C 25 F8 (0106)    [4] 00032          blo    Loop      ; Yes, skip
 010E 81 7A           [2] 00034          cmpa   #'z'      ; Above lower case 'z'?
 0110 22 F4 (0106)    [4] 00035          bhi    Loop      ; Yes, skip
 0112 88 20           [2] 00037          eora   #$20      ; Fold to upper case
 0114 36              [4] 00038          psha             ; Replace in string
 0115 31              [4] 00039          ins              ; Go to next character
 0116 20 EE (0106)    [4] 00040          bra    Loop      ; Repeat
 0118                     00042 Exit
 0118 9E 00           [4] 00043          lds    StkSav    ; Recover stack pointer
 011A 0E              [2] 00045          cli              ; Enable interrupts
 011B 39              [5] 00047          rts

                          00001 *
                          00002 * Compare two strings
                          00003 *
                          00004 * Scoreboard:
                          00005 *
                          00006 *   13 cycles to setup
                          00007 *
                          00008 *   23 cycles * lessor string length not counting terminators
                          00009 *
                          00010 *   10 cycles if second string is not shorter
                          00011 *   23 cycles if second string is shorter
                          00012 *
                          00013 *   16 cycles to exit
                          00014 *
 0000                     00016 StkSav   rmb    2
 0100                     00018          org    $100
 0100 9F 00           [5] 00020          sts    StkSav    ; Save stack pointer
 0102 0F              [2] 00022          sei              ; Disable interrupts
 0103 8E 01FF         [3] 00024          lds    #String1-1 ; Point stack pointer to string
 0106 CE 02FF         [3] 00026          ldx    #String2-1 ; Point X to other string
 0109                     00028 Loop
 0109 32              [4] 00029          pula             ; Get a character
 010A 4D              [2] 00031          tsta             ; End of string?
 010B 27 05 (0112)    [4] 00032          beq    Exit      ; Yes
 010D 08              [4] 00034          inx
 010E A1 00           [5] 00035          cmpa   ,X        ; Compare characters
 0110 27 F7 (0109)    [4] 00036          beq    Loop
 0112                     00038 Exit
 0112 9E 00           [4] 00039          lds    StkSav    ; Recover stack pointer
 0114 0E              [2] 00041          cli              ; Enable interrupts
 0115 A1 00           [5] 00043          cmpa   ,X        ; Set flags for result
 0117 39              [5] 00045          rts

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 Post subject: Re: 6502 vs 6800
PostPosted: Fri Sep 25, 2020 6:18 am 

Joined: Thu Mar 03, 2011 5:56 pm
Posts: 284
barrym95838 wrote:
rwiker wrote:
...would something like the following work?

No. Those STX instructions are going to overwrite your BNE and BEQ opcodes. You're trying to stuff 16-bits of address into an 8-bit operand.

On the 6800 the only "quick" way to deal with two randomly located strings is to disable IRQs, bring in the S register and hope that you don't get burned by an NMI. If the starting addresses of the strings are <256 from each other, then you can use a variation of your idea.

Hah. I foolishly assumed that the indexed addressing mode would use a 16-bit base address and the index register. If I had paid closer attention to the cycle counts in the comments, I would have avoided that trap.

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 Post subject: Re: 6502 vs 6800
PostPosted: Fri Sep 25, 2020 5:11 pm 

Joined: Sat Jul 09, 2016 6:01 pm
Posts: 180
BillG wrote:
That was my thought exactly.

Thank you. But disabling interrupts for long operations is no good and even without interrupts the 6800 is still slower than the 6502. I know a similar trick for the Z80 to use PUSH to fill memory but for this task the Z80 is faster than the 6502. Such tricks are very good for processors like 6809 or 68k where the user stack and interrupt stack are separated but for the 6800 or Z80 it is not normal coding, it is extremes.
Such tricks also can't help with a quick sort.
Let me propose one more typical algorithm, a string translation. We have a string, a translation table and we must get a result string.
      lda #lo(string1)
      sta pstr1
      lda #hi(string1)
      sta pstr1+1
      lda #lo(string2)
      sta pstr2
      lda #hi(string2)
      sta pstr2+1
      lda #lo(trantab)
      sta m+1
      lda #hi(trantab)
      sta m+2
      ldy #0
loop  lda (pstr1),y
      beq exit

m     lda $1000,x
      sta (pstr2),y
      bne loop

      inc pstr1+1
      inc pstr2+1
      bne loop

exit  sta (pstr2),y

It is 24 ticks for every char in a translated string. IMHO the 6800 requires maybe even 80 ticks for this task. Not self-modifying code for the 6502 takes 33 clock cycles.

my blog about processors

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 Post subject: Re: 6502 vs 6800
PostPosted: Sat Sep 26, 2020 12:53 am 
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litwr wrote:
It is 24 ticks for every char in a translated string. IMHO the 6800 requires maybe even 80 ticks for this task. Not self-modifying code for the 6502 takes 33 clock cycles.

Ooh, may I try?
     ldx  #string1     [3]
     stx  pstr1        [5]
     ldx  #string2     [3]
     stx  pstr2        [5]
     ldx  pstr1        [4]
     ldab ,x           [5]
     beq  exit         [3/4]
     inx               [4]
     stx  pstr1        [5]
     stab m+1          [4]
     ldx  #trantab     [3]
     ldab ,x           [5]
     ldx  pstr2        [4]
     stab ,x           [6]
     inx               [4]
     stx  pstr2        [5]
     bra  loop         [4]
     ldx  pstr2        [4]
     stab ,x           [6]
I don't know for sure if I made any rookie coding mistakes or cycle counting mistakes, but it looks like the 6800 is 56 ticks per char.
[I must admit that the 6800 source looks tidier than the 6502's, even though its performance isn't exactly brilliant.]

[Edit: How about a little 6809 action?
     ldu  #string1
     ldy  #string2
     ldab ,u+
     beq  exit
     ldx  #trantab
     ldab ,x
     stab ,y+
     bra  loop
     stab ,y
That's even tidier looking, but I don't know if it's valid or correct or how many ticks per char.]

Got a kilobyte lying fallow in your 65xx's memory map? Sprinkle some VTL02C on it and see how it grows on you!

Mike B. (about me) (learning how to github)

Last edited by barrym95838 on Sat Sep 26, 2020 4:32 am, edited 1 time in total.

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 Post subject: Re: 6502 vs 6800
PostPosted: Sat Sep 26, 2020 1:18 am 

Joined: Thu Mar 12, 2020 10:04 pm
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litwr wrote:
But disabling interrupts for long operations is no good and even without interrupts the 6800 is still slower than the 6502.

A SWTPC 6800 computer running FLEX only uses interrupts for background print spooling and that is only if a special timer option is installed. The worst case is the printer pausing while interrupts are disabled.

Many 8-bit computers do not make much use of interrupts. The Apple 2 Woz Disk 2 controller uses software timing to make its magic work. Most systems with a Western Digital 17xx disk controller use a tight loop in the driver software for data transfers; most disable interrupts while doing this.

Until mice became common, interrupts were mostly used for three things: keyboard input, receiving data from a serial port and video synchronization. Only the latter is time critical and programs doing that tend to finish processing and wait in a spin loop for the event.

litwr wrote:
Let me propose one more typical algorithm, a string translation. We have a string, a translation table and we must get a result string.

Now that is contrived, to use your word. We all agree that the 6800 is hampered by having only one index register, yet you insist on continuing to propose examples to prove that one point.

I have put forth examples of things a computer may be expected to do and you denigrate those, saying that is not used in 8-bit programming or only a compiler does that. Do you use an editor? 16-bit arithmetic is needed when dealing with the addresses of data in memory. Do you use an assembler? Plenty of 16-bit math in there.

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 Post subject: Re: 6502 vs 6800
PostPosted: Sat Sep 26, 2020 5:27 am 

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barrym95838 wrote:
[Edit: How about a little 6809 action?]

 0100 CE 0300                 [3] 00007          ldu    #String1
 0103 108E 0400               [4] 00008          ldy    #String2
 0107 8E 0500                 [3] 00009          ldx    #Trantab
 010A                             00011 2:
 010A E6 C0                   [6] 00012          ldab   ,U+
 010C 27 06 (0114)            [3] 00013          beq    3f
 010E E6 85                   [5] 00014          ldab   B,X
 0110 E7 A0                   [6] 00015          stab   ,Y+
 0112 20 F6 (010A)            [3] 00016          bra    2b
 0114                             00018 3:
 0114 E7 A4                   [4] 00019          stab   ,Y

Because a zero translates to a zero, it gets even better...

 0200 CE 0300                 [3] 00023          ldu    #String1
 0203 108E 0400               [4] 00024          ldy    #String2
 0207 8E 0500                 [3] 00025          ldx    #Trantab
 020A                             00027 2:
 020A E6 C0                   [6] 00028          ldab   ,U+
 020C E6 85                   [5] 00029          ldab   B,X
 020E E7 A0                   [6] 00030          stab   ,Y+
 0210 26 F8 (020A)            [3] 00031          bne    2b

Edit: Post in haste, correct in leisure...

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 Post subject: Re: 6502 vs 6800
PostPosted: Sat Sep 26, 2020 6:42 am 
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Joined: Thu Dec 11, 2008 1:28 pm
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litwr wrote:
BillG wrote:
Can we just agree that the 6800 is not 2 to 4 times slower than the 6502?

It seems that the 6800 is ready to give in. ;)
It is a claim from MOS technology that the 6501/6502 is 2-4 times faster than the 6800. So we need to have thorough testing to get a base for our own conclusions.

Two important points here: first, that's a historical claim from a supplier, which is clearly a sales position and may bear no relation to reality. Second, performance is not a scalar quantity: every subroutine, every program, has its own measure. There is no base that could be broad enough, if anyone is seeking a definitive scalar measure.

What is interesting, of course, is seeing the same algorithm implemented for different machines. And we see readily that the application of ingenuity can make a big difference: a second attempt can be better than a first attempt. Which means there's a lot of uncertainty, because not all implementations will get the same inspired reworking.

So, let's not proceed as if we're seeking a definitive resolution: let's proceed as if we are exploring a territory.

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