Hey Garth.. feel like doing some mathematics??
You got me interested in the decoupling capacitance (mainly because I want to do it right). I read over the Fairchild document, and their formula is kinda confusing. Would you mind checking my working....
6502 (commodore data sheet)
max current draw - 160mA
rise/fall time - 10ns
vdd droop - <250mV (from the 5V +- 5% = 250mV)
gives a capacitance of 0.0064uF
The WD65c02 is lower still due to its lower max current.
Is this in some way related to your advice of using a 0.01uF for the decoupler?
It seems to make sense to me at the moment (although it is 3am), but I want to make sure I get it right so I can do it properly on other chips as well. Is there any harm in going too large?