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PostPosted: Wed Jul 22, 2020 12:37 pm 

Joined: Thu Mar 12, 2020 10:04 pm
Posts: 702
Location: North Tejas
BigEd wrote:
It feels to me that the most important variable is where RAM is to be found - presuming FLEX is to be loaded into RAM. And a part of that is whether RAM is contiguous. As to the rest of the address space, it doesn't matter too much whether it's ROM, I/O, empty, or an image of something else.

Perhaps you could list your targets and briefly tabulate their complement of RAM, in their various minimal, expanded, and maximal configurations?

Although you'll very likely not have Acorn's systems in your list, here's a sketch:

Yes, the location and availability of unused RAM is the primary determining factor.

The full picture is still incomplete as the use of zero page locations by various system components remains open to debate.

It is possible that multiple "standard" versions of FLEX can be built for any particular platform. For instance, it may be desirable by some to have $200 to $1FFF free for loading legacy software from tape.

Being on the other side of the pond, I am unlikely to have a real Acorn, especially if it requires a PAL monitor. Emulation provides a means to that platform, however.


The original target for the project was the Corsham 6502 CPU board for the SS-50 (SWTPC) bus. It has free RAM from $0 up to $DFFF; the monitor uses the upper 256 bytes for scratch memory. The original idea was that FLEX would load at the upper end of that RAM and set the MEMEND system variable to point just below the image. Now, the private portion of FLEX will use $200..$1FFF with the public part from $2000 and up.


From Dave at OSIweb,

On the C1P, the Monitor ROM is at the top 2K from F800-FFFF. This is also true for systems (C1/2/4/8) with the CEGMON boot ROM. The C2/4/8 Boot ROM occupies the top 3 pages, FD00-FFFF, and the Floppy port is at $FC00. The vido memory starts at $D000. Some serial ports, etc. might be at $C000, so the safest bet is to use the lower 48K of RAM (0000-BFFF). On disk systems that also have BASIC in ROM, BASIC occupies A000-BFFF, so those systems would be limited to 40K.

On A C1P system, the floppy is at $C000, and BASIC from A000-BFFF, so again, 40K available.

The private portion will use what it can from $200 to $1FFF with the rest at the upper end of free RAM.

The nature of the OSI disk hardware may require several track buffers.

A fully expanded KIM-1 offers free RAM in two blocks:


The private portion will use what it can in the lower block with the remainder at the top of the main block.


floobydust is building a system with 32K of RAM and 32K of EEPROM. The part of the private portion which can reside in ROM will. The part which has to be in RAM will use the upper end of the $200 to $1FFF range.

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PostPosted: Fri Jul 24, 2020 9:58 pm 
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Joined: Tue Mar 02, 2004 8:55 am
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BigEd wrote:
In a Second Processor, RAM runs up to F800.

I thought it was 64k of RAM but with the 2k boot ROM copied into F800 up and theoretically expendable (if you drive the tube directly)?

Andrew Jacobs
6502 & PIC Stuff - http://www.obelisk.me.uk/
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PostPosted: Sat Jul 25, 2020 7:31 am 
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Joined: Thu Dec 11, 2008 1:28 pm
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Yes, good point, you could get back a bit less than 2k: there would still be a little I/O in the address space, maybe that's as little as 16 bytes.

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PostPosted: Tue Jul 28, 2020 12:13 am 
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Joined: Tue Mar 05, 2013 4:31 am
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I just completed building an initial CF-Card/RTC adapter for my C02 Pocket SBC. This is what I plan to use to try FLEX with, once I write some code to make it go... details in the hardware section:


Regards, KM

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PostPosted: Thu Jul 30, 2020 11:30 pm 

Joined: Thu Mar 12, 2020 10:04 pm
Posts: 702
Location: North Tejas
The Poor Man's Linker experiment has gone well. The conversion of the run-time library to the new approach is done. In the foreseeable future, my Python library (currently 6502 only) will be converted in the same way; it really needs it.

The following program, the skeleton of a monitor or a debugger, compiles into a 6800 binary image a little under 2K bytes in size; it uses quite a bit but not all of the library code.

10 PRINT '? ';
30 GOSUB 1000:REM Strip leading spaces from A$
40 B$=LEFT$(A$,1):A$=MID$(A$,2):GOSUB 1000:GOSUB 1100
50 IF B$ = 'D' THEN 10000
60 IF B$ = 'U' THEN 12000
90 IF B$ = 'Q' THEN END
95 PRINT 'Unrecognized command.':GOTO 10
1000 REM Strip leading spaces from A$
1010 IF ASC(' ') = ASC(A$) THEN A$=MID$(A$,2) ELSE RETURN
1020 GOTO 1010
1100 REM Convert B$ to upper case
1110 IF ASC('a') <= ASC(B$) AND ASC('z') >= ASC(B$) THEN B$=CHR$(ASC(B$)-32)
10000 REM DUMP
10001 print "DUMP ";a$:goto 10
12001 print "UNASSEMBLE ";a$:goto 10

You may have noticed the ordering of "IF ASC(' ') = ASC(A$)" as a bit unusual. A single-pass compiler which generates code as it parses the source can do a better job if simple expressions which can be completely evaluated at compile time are on the left while things which must wait until run time are postponed as long as possible. The opposite "IF ASC(A$) = ASC(' ')" gets the first character from the string, puts it into a temporary variable, then does the comparison because without lookahead, the compiler does not know that a constant follows.

Since what I thought was source code for the FLEX BASIC interpreter turned out to be something else, SWTPC BASIC instead of TSC BASIC, I will be building a version of this compiler to generate 6502 code for TSC BASIC programs. I am just starting to reverse engineer the FLEX BASIC and Extended BASIC interpreters and thus cannot commit to doing anything with them at this time.

For comparison, here is some code from the two compilers...

The 6502 code generated by the compiler:

                          00108 ; 120 C = A * (B + 1)
 0B26                     00109   L00120:
                          00110          ifdef  __TRACE
                          00111          ldx    #<120
                          00112          lda    #>120
                          00113          jsr    Trace
                          00114          endif
                          00115          ifdef  __ATLIN
                          00116          ldx    #<L00120
                          00117          stx    ResLn_
                          00118          ldx    #>L00120
                          00119          stx    ResLn_+1
                          00120          endif
 0B26 18              [2] 00122          clc
 0B27 AD 0F39         [4] 00123          lda    B_
 0B2A 69 01           [2] 00124          adc    #<1
 0B2C AA              [2] 00125          tax
 0B2D AD 0F3A         [4] 00126          lda    B_+1
 0B30 69 00           [2] 00127          adc    #>1
 0B32 AC 0F37         [4] 00128          ldy    A_
 0B35 84 14           [3] 00129          sty    Int0
 0B37 AC 0F38         [4] 00130          ldy    A_+1
 0B3A 84 15           [3] 00131          sty    Int0+1
 0B3C 20 0D30         [6] 00132          jsr    IMul
 0B3F 8E 0F3B         [4] 00133          stx    C_
 0B42 8D 0F3C         [4] 00134          sta    C_+1

The 6800 code generated by the compiler:

                          00083 * 120 C = A * (B + 1)
 0119                     00084 L00120
                          00085          ifdef  __TRACE
                          00086          ldx    #120
                          00087          jsr    Trace
                          00088          endif
                          00089          ifdef  __ATLIN
                          00090          ldx    #L00120
                          00091          stx    ResLn_
                          00092          endif
 0119 C6 01           [2] 00094          ldab   #1
 011B 4F              [2] 00095          clra
 011C FB 0435         [4] 00096          addb   B_+1
 011F B9 0434         [4] 00097          adca   B_
 0122 FE 0432         [5] 00098          ldx    A_
 0125 BD 0297         [9] 00099          jsr    IMul
 0128 F7 0437         [5] 00100          stab   C_+1
 012B B7 0436         [5] 00101          staa   C_

The 6502 multiply subroutine:

.                         00730 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
.                         00731 ;
.                         00732 ; IMul - Multiply integers
.                         00733 ;
.                         00734 ; Input:
.                         00735 ;       A:X = one number
.                         00736 ;       Int0 = the other number
.                         00737 ;
.                         00738 ; Output:
.                         00739 ;       A:X = the product
.                         00740 ;
.                         00741
.0D2C                     00742 IMulB    rmb    2         ; Operand
.0D2E                     00743 IMulC    rmb    1         ; Bits left
.0D2F                     00744 IMulS    rmb    1         ; Sign of the product
.                         00745
.0D30                     00746 IMul:
.0D30 A0 00           [2] 00747          ldy    #0        ; Clear sign of product
.0D32 8C 0D2F         [4] 00748          sty    IMulS
.                         00749
.0D35 C9 00           [2] 00750          cmp    #0        ; Is first number negative?
.0D37 10 10 (0D49)  [2/3] 00751          bpl    IMul1     ; No
.                         00752
.0D39 EE 0D2F         [6] 00753          inc    IMulS     ; Update sign of product
.                         00754
.0D3C 49 FF           [2] 00755          eor    #$FF      ; Negate the number
.0D3E A8              [2] 00756          tay
.0D3F 8A              [2] 00757          txa
.0D40 49 FF           [2] 00758          eor    #$FF
.0D42 18              [2] 00759          clc
.0D43 69 01           [2] 00760          adc    #1
.0D45 AA              [2] 00761          tax
.0D46 98              [2] 00762          tya
.0D47 69 00           [2] 00763          adc    #0
.                         00764
.0D49                     00765 IMul1:
.0D49 8E 0D2C         [4] 00766          stx    IMulB     ; Save the number
.0D4C 8D 0D2D         [4] 00767          sta    IMulB+1
.                         00768
.0D4F A5 15           [3] 00769          lda    Int0+1    ; Is the other number negative?
.0D51 10 10 (0D63)  [2/3] 00770          bpl    IMul2     ; No
.                         00771
.0D53 EE 0D2F         [6] 00772          inc    IMulS     ; Update sign of product
.                         00773
.0D56 A9 00           [2] 00774          lda    #0        ; Negate the other number
.0D58 38              [2] 00775          sec
.0D59 E5 14           [3] 00776          sbc    Int0
.0D5B 85 14           [3] 00777          sta    Int0
.0D5D A9 00           [2] 00778          lda    #0
.0D5F E5 15           [3] 00779          sbc    Int0+1
.0D61 85 15           [3] 00780          sta    Int0+1
.                         00781
.0D63                     00782 IMul2:
.0D63 A9 10           [2] 00783          lda    #16       ; 16 bits to multiply
.0D65 8D 0D2E         [4] 00784          sta    IMulC
.                         00785
.0D68 A9 00           [2] 00786          lda    #0        ; Clear product
.0D6A A8              [2] 00787          tay
.                         00788
.0D6B                     00789 IMul3:
.0D6B 4E 0D2D         [6] 00790          lsr    IMulB+1   ; Shift number right
.0D6E 6E 0D2C         [6] 00791          ror    IMulB
.0D71 90 09 (0D7C)  [2/3] 00792          bcc    IMul4     ; Skip add if low bit was clear
.                         00793
.0D73 18              [2] 00794          clc              ; Add number to product
.0D74 65 14           [3] 00795          adc    Int0
.0D76 AA              [2] 00796          tax
.0D77 98              [2] 00797          tya
.0D78 65 15           [3] 00798          adc    Int0+1
.0D7A A8              [2] 00799          tay
.0D7B 8A              [2] 00800          txa
.                         00801
.0D7C                     00802 IMul4:
.0D7C 06 14           [5] 00803          asl    Int0      ; Shift the other number left
.0D7E 26 15           [5] 00804          rol    Int0+1
.                         00805
.0D80 CE 0D2E         [6] 00806          dec    IMulC     ; One fewer bit to do
.0D83 D0 E6 (0D6B)  [2/3] 00807          bne    IMul3     ; More?
.                         00808
.0D85 4E 0D2F         [6] 00809          lsr    IMulS     ; Is product negative?
.0D88 90 0E (0D98)  [2/3] 00810          bcc    IMul5     ; No
.                         00811
.0D8A 49 FF           [2] 00812          eor    #$FF      ; Negate the product
.0D8C 18              [2] 00813          clc
.0D8D 69 01           [2] 00814          adc    #1
.0D8F AA              [2] 00815          tax
.0D90 98              [2] 00816          tya
.0D91 49 FF           [2] 00817          eor    #$FF
.0D93 69 00           [2] 00818          adc    #0
.                         00819
.0D95 4C 0D9A         [3] 00820          jmp    IMul6
.                         00821
.0D98                     00822 IMul5:
.0D98 AA              [2] 00823          tax              ; Product goes in A:X
.0D99 98              [2] 00824          tya
.                         00825
.0D9A                     00826 IMul6:
.0D9A 60              [6] 00827          rts

The 6800 multiply subroutine:

.                         00560 ******************************************************************************
.                         00561 *
.                         00562   * IMul - Multiply integers
.                         00563 *
.                         00564 * Input:
.                         00565 *       A:B = one number
.                         00566 *       X = the other number
.                         00567 *
.                         00568 * Output:
.                         00569 *       A:B = the product
.                         00570 *
.0293                     00571 IMulB    rmb    2         ; Operand
.0295                     00572 IMulC    rmb    1         ; Bits left
.0296                     00573 IMulS    rmb    1         ; Sign of the product
.                         00574
.0297                     00575 IMul
.0297 7F 0296         [6] 00576          clr    IMulS     ; Clear sign of product
.                         00577
.029A DF 02           [5] 00578          stx    Int0      ; Save second number
.                         00579
.029C 4D              [2] 00580          tsta             ; Is first number negative
.029D 2A 07 (02A6)    [4] 00581          bpl    IMul1     ; No
.                         00582
.029F 7C 0296         [6] 00583          inc    IMulS     ; Update sign of product
.                         00584
.02A2 40              [2] 00585            nega             ; Negate the number
.02A3 50              [2] 00586          negb
.02A4 82 00           [2] 00587          sbca   #0
.                         00588
.02A6                     00589 IMul1
.02A6 B7 0293         [5] 00590          staa   IMulB     ; Save the number
.02A9 F7 0294         [5] 00591          stab   IMulB+1
.                         00592
.02AC 96 02           [3] 00593          ldaa   Int0      ; Is the other number negative?
.02AE 2A 0E (02BE)    [4] 00594          bpl    IMul2     ; No
.                         00595
.02B0 7C 0296         [6] 00596          inc    IMulS     ; Update sign of product
.                         00597
.02B3 73 0002         [6] 00598          com    Int0      ; Negate the other number
.02B6 70 0003         [6] 00599          neg    Int0+1
.02B9 25 03 (02BE)    [4] 00600          bcs    IMul2
.02BB 7A 0002         [6] 00601          dec    Int0
.                         00602
.02BE                     00603 IMul2
.02BE 86 10           [2] 00604          ldaa   #16       ; 16 bits to multiply
.02C0 B7 0295         [5] 00605          staa   IMulC
.                         00606
.02C3 4F              [2] 00607          clra             ; Clear product
.02C4 5F              [2] 00608          clrb
.                         00609
.02C5                     00610 IMul3
.02C5 74 0293         [6] 00611          lsr    IMulB     ; Shift number right
.02C8 76 0294         [6] 00612          ror    IMulB+1
.02CB 24 04 (02D1)    [4] 00613          bcc    IMul4     ; Skip add if low bit was clear
.                         00614
.02CD DB 03           [3] 00615          addb   Int0+1    ; Add number to product
.02CF 99 02           [3] 00616          adca   Int0
.                         00617
.02D1                     00618 IMul4
.02D1 78 0003         [6] 00619          asl    Int0+1    ; Shift the other number left
.02D4 79 0002         [6] 00620          rol    Int0
.                         00621
.02D7 7A 0295         [6] 00622          dec    IMulC     ; One fewer bit to do
.02DA 26 E9 (02C5)    [4] 00623          bne    IMul3     ; More?
.                         00624
.02DC 74 0296         [6] 00625          lsr    IMulS     ; Is the product negative?
.02DF 24 04 (02E5)    [4] 00626          bcc    IMul5     ; No
.                         00627
.02E1 40              [2] 00628          nega             ; Negate the product
.02E2 50              [2] 00629          negb
.02E3 82 00           [2] 00630          sbca   #0
.                         00631
.02E5                     00632 IMul5
.02E5 39              [5] 00633          rts

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PostPosted: Fri Jul 31, 2020 3:05 am 
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I see several opportunities for improvement lurking in your code, but it might be better for us to keep our eyes on the big picture and save the fine-tuning for later.

Got a kilobyte lying fallow in your 65xx's memory map? Sprinkle some VTL02C on it and see how it grows on you!

Mike B. (about me) (learning how to github)

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PostPosted: Fri Jul 31, 2020 7:47 am 

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In the multiplication subroutines or the generated code? Changes to the latter may be easier made sooner than later.

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PostPosted: Fri Jul 31, 2020 8:25 am 

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The only thing I see is the opportunity to change register usage in the inner loop and get rid of the two instructions at IMul5 plus the jmp around it in the 6502 multiply subroutine.

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PostPosted: Sun Aug 16, 2020 12:19 pm 

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Reverse engineering of the TSC FLEX BASIC interpreters is not going well. I have real doubts about being able to build a compatible interpreter for the 6502 any time soon. Source code is available for the SWTPC interpreter, but it is not the same.

I was reminded of the Lucidata Pascal compiler. It generates an interpreted P-code instead of native machine code. The compiler is also provided in P-code form. What this means is that if a compatible interpreter can be implemented on the 6502, the compiler comes along for the ride. The interpreter is not very big, in fact, it is substantially smaller than BASIC. This is potentially going to be the next native language system to be available after the assembler.

Which brings up my toy Pascal compiler. I just did some work on the type system to allow single-byte variables, signed, unsigned and character. These are important for efficiency on an 8-bit system. The following is some code testing these features:

                          00080 ; 00001 program Test;
                          00081 ; 00002
                          00082 ; 00003   var
                          00083 ; 00004     B                           : byte;
                          00084 ; 00005     B2                          : byte;
                          00085 ; 00006     Ch                          : char;
                          00086 ; 00007     Ch2                         : char;
                          00087 ; 00008     I                           : integer;
                          00088 ; 00009     S                           : shortint;
                          00089 ; 00010     S2                          : shortint;
                          00090 ; 00011     W                           : word;
                          00091 ; 00012
                          00092 ; 00013   begin
                          00093 ; 00014     S := -1;
 0B09 A9 FF           [2] 00094          lda    #-1
 0B0B 8D 0F3C         [4] 00095          sta    S_
                          00096 ; 00015     I := S;
 0B0E AE 0F3C         [4] 00097          ldx    S_
 0B11 8A              [2] 00098          txa
 0B12 09 7F           [2] 00099          ora    #$7F
 0B14 30 02 (0B18)  [2/3] 00100          bmi    2f
 0B16 A9 00           [2] 00101          lda    #0
 0B18                     00102 2:
 0B18 8E 0F3A         [4] 00103          stx    I_
 0B1B 8D 0F3B         [4] 00104          sta    I_+1
                          00105 ; 00016     W := S;
 0B1E AE 0F3C         [4] 00106          ldx    S_
 0B21 8A              [2] 00107          txa
 0B22 09 7F           [2] 00108          ora    #$7F
 0B24 30 02 (0B28)  [2/3] 00109          bmi    2f
 0B26 A9 00           [2] 00110          lda    #0
 0B28                     00111 2:
 0B28 8E 0F3D         [4] 00112          stx    W_
 0B2B 8D 0F3E         [4] 00113          sta    W_+1
                          00114 ; 00017     writeln(I, ' ', W);
 0B2E AE 0F3A         [4] 00115          ldx    I_
 0B31 AD 0F3B         [4] 00116          lda    I_+1
 0B34 20 0D86         [6] 00117          jsr    WriteInteger
 0B37 A9 20           [2] 00118          lda    #32
 0B39 20 0DBF         [6] 00119          jsr    PUTCHR
 0B3C AE 0F3D         [4] 00120          ldx    W_
 0B3F AD 0F3E         [4] 00121          lda    W_+1
 0B42 20 0D8C         [6] 00122          jsr    WriteWord
 0B45 20 0DCC         [6] 00123          jsr    PCRLF
                          00124 ; 00018
                          00125 ; 00019     B := S;
 0B48 AD 0F3C         [4] 00126          lda    S_
 0B4B 8D 0F39         [4] 00127          sta    B_
                          00128 ; 00020     I := B;
 0B4E AE 0F39         [4] 00129          ldx    B_
 0B51 A9 00           [2] 00130          lda    #0
 0B53 8E 0F3A         [4] 00131          stx    I_
 0B56 8D 0F3B         [4] 00132          sta    I_+1
                          00133 ; 00021     W := B;
 0B59 AE 0F39         [4] 00134          ldx    B_
 0B5C A9 00           [2] 00135          lda    #0
 0B5E 8E 0F3D         [4] 00136          stx    W_
 0B61 8D 0F3E         [4] 00137          sta    W_+1
                          00138 ; 00022     writeln(I, ' ', W);
 0B64 AE 0F3A         [4] 00139          ldx    I_
 0B67 AD 0F3B         [4] 00140          lda    I_+1
 0B6A 20 0D86         [6] 00141          jsr    WriteInteger
 0B6D A9 20           [2] 00142          lda    #32
 0B6F 20 0DBF         [6] 00143          jsr    PUTCHR
 0B72 AE 0F3D         [4] 00144          ldx    W_
 0B75 AD 0F3E         [4] 00145          lda    W_+1
 0B78 20 0D8C         [6] 00146          jsr    WriteWord
 0B7B 20 0DCC         [6] 00147          jsr    PCRLF
                          00148 ; 00023
                          00149 ; 00024     S := 20;
 0B7E A9 14           [2] 00150          lda    #20
 0B80 8D 0F3C         [4] 00151          sta    S_
                          00152 ; 00025     S2 := S;
 0B83 AD 0F3C         [4] 00153          lda    S_
 0B86 8D 0F40         [4] 00154          sta    S2_
                          00155 ; 00026     S2 := S2 + S;
 0B89 18              [2] 00156          clc
 0B8A AD 0F40         [4] 00157          lda    S2_
 0B8D 6D 0F3C         [4] 00158          adc    S_
 0B90 8D 0F40         [4] 00159          sta    S2_
                          00160 ; 00027     writeln(S, ' ', S2);
 0B93 AD 0F3C         [4] 00161          lda    S_
 0B96 20 0D30         [6] 00162          jsr    WriteShortint
 0B99 A9 20           [2] 00163          lda    #32
 0B9B 20 0DBF         [6] 00164          jsr    PUTCHR
 0B9E AD 0F40         [4] 00165          lda    S2_
 0BA1 20 0D30         [6] 00166          jsr    WriteShortint
 0BA4 20 0DCC         [6] 00167          jsr    PCRLF
                          00168 ; 00028
                          00169 ; 00029     B := 20;
 0BA7 A9 14           [2] 00170          lda    #20
 0BA9 8D 0F39         [4] 00171          sta    B_
                          00172 ; 00030     B2 := B;
 0BAC AD 0F39         [4] 00173          lda    B_
 0BAF 8D 0F38         [4] 00174          sta    B2_
                          00175 ; 00031     B2 := B2 + B;
 0BB2 18              [2] 00176          clc
 0BB3 AD 0F38         [4] 00177          lda    B2_
 0BB6 6D 0F39         [4] 00178          adc    B_
 0BB9 8D 0F38         [4] 00179          sta    B2_
                          00180 ; 00032     writeln(B, ' ', B2);
 0BBC AD 0F39         [4] 00181          lda    B_
 0BBF 20 0D36         [6] 00182          jsr    WriteByte
 0BC2 A9 20           [2] 00183          lda    #32
 0BC4 20 0DBF         [6] 00184          jsr    PUTCHR
 0BC7 AD 0F38         [4] 00185          lda    B2_
 0BCA 20 0D36         [6] 00186          jsr    WriteByte
 0BCD 20 0DCC         [6] 00187          jsr    PCRLF
                          00188 ; 00033
                          00189 ; 00034     I := 32;
 0BD0 A2 20           [2] 00190          ldx    #32
 0BD2 A9 00           [2] 00191          lda    #0
 0BD4 8E 0F3A         [4] 00192          stx    I_
 0BD7 8D 0F3B         [4] 00193          sta    I_+1
                          00194 ; 00035     writeln(chr(I + I));
 0BDA 18              [2] 00195          clc
 0BDB AD 0F3A         [4] 00196          lda    I_
 0BDE 6D 0F3A         [4] 00197          adc    I_
 0BE1 20 0DBF         [6] 00198          jsr    PUTCHR
 0BE4 20 0DCC         [6] 00199          jsr    PCRLF
                          00200 ; 00036
                          00201 ; 00037     Ch := 'A';
 0BE7 A9 41           [2] 00202          lda    #65
 0BE9 8D 0F41         [4] 00203          sta    CH_
                          00204 ; 00038     Ch2 := Ch;
 0BEC AD 0F41         [4] 00205          lda    CH_
 0BEF 8D 0F3F         [4] 00206          sta    CH2_
                          00207 ; 00039     writeln(Ch, chr(ord(Ch)+1))
 0BF2 AD 0F41         [4] 00208          lda    CH_
 0BF5 20 0DBF         [6] 00209          jsr    PUTCHR
 0BF8 18              [2] 00210          clc
 0BF9 AD 0F41         [4] 00211          lda    CH_
 0BFC 69 01           [2] 00212          adc    #1
 0BFE 20 0DBF         [6] 00213          jsr    PUTCHR
 0C01 20 0DCC         [6] 00214          jsr    PCRLF
                          00215 ; 00040   end.

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PostPosted: Sun Aug 16, 2020 5:08 pm 
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BillG wrote:
In the multiplication subroutines or the generated code? Changes to the latter may be easier made sooner than later.

Sorry for not seeing this sooner. I would suggest checking out what the redoubtable Woz did over 43 years ago by going here and searching for MULPM. It's not a drop-in replacement for you, but it should give you an idea for the possibilities. Unless you're Bruce C. or Charlie H. (or me on a very lucky day) vintage Woz subroutines are hardly ever beatable for size, if that's what flips your switch.

Got a kilobyte lying fallow in your 65xx's memory map? Sprinkle some VTL02C on it and see how it grows on you!

Mike B. (about me) (learning how to github)

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PostPosted: Sun Aug 16, 2020 5:40 pm 
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Amusing that Woz' assembler didn't have opcode $76 (ROR zp,X)

FB63: A0 10    523 MUL   LDY #$10 ;INDEX FOR 16 BITS
FB65: A5 50    524 MUL2  LDA ACL  ;ACX * AUX + XTND
FB67: 4A       525       LSR      ; TO AC, XTND
FB68: 90 0C    526       BCC MUL4 ;IF NO CARRY,
FB6A: 18       527       CLC      ; NO PARTIAL PROD.
FB6B: A2 FE    528       LDX #$FE
FB6D: B5 54    529 MUL3  LDA XTNDL+2,X ;ADD MPLCND (AUX)
FB6F: 75 56    530       ADC AUXL+2,X  ; TO PARTIAL PROD
FB71: 95 54    531       STA XTNDL+2,X ; (XTND)
FB73: E8       532       INX
FB74: D0 F7    533       BNE MUL3
FB76: A2 03    534 MUL4  LDX #$03
FB78: 76       535 MUL5  DFB $76
FB79: 50       536       DFB $50
FB7A: CA       537       DEX
FB7B: 10 FB    538       BPL MUL5
FB7D: 88       539       DEY
FB7E: D0 E5    540       BNE MUL2
FB80: 60       541       RTS
FBA4: A0 00    561 MD1   LDY #$00   ;ABS VAL OF AC, AUX
FBA6: 84 2F    562       STY SIGN   ; WITH RESULT SIGN
FBA8: A2 54    563       LDX #AUXL  ; IN LSB OF SIGN.
FBAA: 20 AF FB 564       JSR MD3
FBAD: A2 50    565       LDX #ACL
FBB1: 10 0D    567       BPL MDRTS
FBB3: 38       568       SEC
FBB4: 98       569       TYA
FBB5: F5 00    570       SBC LOC0,X ;COMPL SPECIFIED REG
FBB7: 95 00    571       STA LOC0,X ; IF NEG.
FBB9: 98       572       TYA
FBBA: F5 01    573       SBC LOC1,X
FBBC: 95 01    574       STA LOC1,X
FBBE: E6 2F    575       INC SIGN
FBC0: 60       576 MDRTS RTS

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PostPosted: Sun Aug 16, 2020 6:43 pm 

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barrym95838 wrote:
I would suggest checking out what the redoubtable Woz did over 43 years ago by going here and searching for MULPM. It's not a drop-in replacement for you, but it should give you an idea for the possibilities. Unless you're Bruce C. or Charlie H. (or me on a very lucky day) vintage Woz subroutines are hardly ever beatable for size, if that's what flips your switch.

Thanks for that link. There is much information in that document though the formatting is painful to read.

For good and bad, I have seldom had to code for size and that is not one of my skills.

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PostPosted: Sun Aug 16, 2020 6:45 pm 

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BigEd wrote:
Amusing that Woz' assembler didn't have opcode $76 (ROR zp,X)

Could it be because the ROR instruction was defective on early versions of the processor?

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MOS_Techn ... and_quirks

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PostPosted: Sun Aug 16, 2020 6:57 pm 
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Sounds likely!

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PostPosted: Sun Aug 16, 2020 7:28 pm 
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BigEd wrote:
Amusing that Woz' assembler didn't have opcode $76 (ROR zp,X)

As you well know, this assembler was a notable step up from his previous one. Woz was too busy churning out kilobyte after kilobyte of size-optimized code at that time, and wasn't going to let anything put a damper on his productivity.

Got a kilobyte lying fallow in your 65xx's memory map? Sprinkle some VTL02C on it and see how it grows on you!

Mike B. (about me) (learning how to github)

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