WDC sent me a revised prototyping board which has a real time clock, a flash memory and an encryption chip on it. I've been writing a peripheral library for the W65C165MMC and the other SXB boards. This is a photo of a test program using the RTCC and an I2C OLED display to create a simple clock.
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The library is mostly C based and compiles with the WDC C compiler I have been fixing. The library trades performance for portability. For example a my simple LED flashing test looks like this:
#include <system/w65c134sxb.h>
#define LED_PIN pin50
void main (void)
pinSetMode (&LED_PIN, OUTPUT);
for (;;) {
pinSetState (&LED_PIN, HIGH);
delayMS (500);
pinSetState (&LED_PIN, LOW);
delayMS (500);
If I moved the code to say the W65C02SXB and wanted to drive the LED from a VIA output then the only change would to include a different header <system/w65c02sxb.h> and alter the #define to reference a VIA pin object like 'via1_A0'.
When I have a bit more working and the updated compiler is released I will make the repository public.