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PostPosted: Sun Jul 26, 2020 9:51 pm 

Joined: Thu Mar 12, 2020 10:04 pm
Posts: 702
Location: North Tejas
barrym95838 wrote:
I thought about mentioning the unsigned thing, but missed the chance. You might want to give Bruce's article a chance to sink into your brain.

That is my reference.

I am hoping to find something simpler. The working code currently looks like this:

                          00075 ; 100 for i =-6 to 6
 0B12                     00076 L00100:
                          00077          ifdef  __TRACE
                          00078          ldx    #<100
                          00079          lda    #>100
                          00080          jsr    Trace
                          00081          endif
                          00082          ifdef  __ATLIN
 0B12 A2 12           [2] 00083          ldx    #<L00100
 0B14 8E 11F9         [4] 00084          stx    ResLn_
 0B17 A2 0B           [2] 00085          ldx    #>L00100
 0B19 8E 11FA         [4] 00086          stx    ResLn_+1
                          00087          endif
 0B1C 20 0CDD         [6] 00089          jsr    ForEnter
 0B1F A0 04           [2] 00091          ldy    #4
 0B21 A9 3B           [2] 00092          lda    #<T00000
 0B23 91 1C           [6] 00093          sta    (Ptr0),Y
 0B25 C8              [2] 00094          iny
 0B26 A9 0B           [2] 00095          lda    #>T00000
 0B28 91 1C           [6] 00096          sta    (Ptr0),Y
 0B2A C8              [2] 00098          iny
 0B2B A9 03           [2] 00099          lda    #<I_
 0B2D 91 1C           [6] 00100          sta    (Ptr0),Y
 0B2F C8              [2] 00101          iny
 0B30 A9 12           [2] 00102          lda    #>I_
 0B32 91 1C           [6] 00103          sta    (Ptr0),Y
 0B34 A2 FA           [2] 00105          ldx    #<-6
 0B36 A0 FF           [2] 00106          ldy    #>-6
 0B38 4C 0B60         [3] 00108          jmp    T00003
 0B3B                     00110 T00000:
 0B3B A9 01           [2] 00111          lda    #<1
 0B3D 18              [2] 00112          clc
 0B3E 6D 1203         [4] 00113          adc    I_
 0B41 AA              [2] 00114          tax
 0B42 A9 00           [2] 00115          lda    #>1
 0B44 6D 1204         [4] 00116          adc    I_+1
 0B47 A8              [2] 00117          tay
 0B48 38              [2] 00119          sec
 0B49 E9 00           [2] 00120          sbc    #>6
 0B4B F0 08 (0B55)  [2/3] 00121          beq    3f
 0B4D 50 02 (0B51)  [2/3] 00122          bvc    2f
 0B4F 49 80           [2] 00123          eor    #$80
 0B51                     00125 2:
 0B51 30 0B (0B5E)  [2/3] 00126          bmi    T00002
 0B53 10 06 (0B5B)  [2/3] 00127          bpl    T00001
 0B55                     00129 3:
 0B55 E0 06           [2] 00130          cpx    #<6
 0B57 90 05 (0B5E)  [2/3] 00131          blo    T00002
 0B59 F0 03 (0B5E)  [2/3] 00132          beq    T00002
 0B5B                     00134 T00001:
 0B5B 4C 0D37         [3] 00135          jmp    ForExit
 0B5E                     00137 T00002:
 0B5E 68              [4] 00138          pla
 0B5F 68              [4] 00139          pla
 0B60                     00141 T00003:
 0B60 8E 1203         [4] 00142          stx    I_
 0B63 8C 1204         [4] 00143          sty    I_+1

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PostPosted: Sun Jul 26, 2020 10:06 pm 
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Joined: Sun Jun 30, 2013 10:26 pm
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I haven't tested this, but I think you could try replacing:
         lda    #<1
         adc    I_
         lda    #>1
         adc    I_+1

         sbc    #>6
         beq    3f
         bvc    2f
         eor    #$80

         bmi    T00002
         bpl    T00001

         cpx    #<6
         blo    T00002
         beq    T00002

with something like
         lda    #<1
         adc    I_
         lda    #>1
         adc    I_+1

         cpx    #<6
         sbc    #>6
         bvc    2f
         eor    #$80

         bmi    T00002


Got a kilobyte lying fallow in your 65xx's memory map? Sprinkle some VTL02C on it and see how it grows on you!

Mike B. (about me) (learning how to github)

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PostPosted: Sun Jul 26, 2020 10:16 pm 

Joined: Thu Mar 12, 2020 10:04 pm
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That looks great! I'll have to try it.

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PostPosted: Sun Jul 26, 2020 11:31 pm 
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BillG wrote:
That looks great! I'll have to try it.

I was a bit hasty with that, because I think I'm looping for index < limit and BASIC loops for index <= limit for positive steps. For negative steps, we can replace the bmi with a bpl and be done, but for positive steps I think we need to revise the code thus:
         lda    #<1
         adc    I_
         lda    #>1
         adc    I_+1

         cpx    #<6
         bne    1f
         eor    #>6
         beq    T00002      ; loop if index = limit
         sbc    #>6
         bvc    2f
         eor    #$80

         bmi    T00002      ; loop if index < limit


You can choose your own behavior for a step of zero ... I think I have seen different treatments.

step0.PNG [ 10.67 KiB | Viewed 777 times ]

step0v2.PNG [ 9.26 KiB | Viewed 776 times ]

Got a kilobyte lying fallow in your 65xx's memory map? Sprinkle some VTL02C on it and see how it grows on you!

Mike B. (about me) (learning how to github)

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PostPosted: Mon Jul 27, 2020 1:34 am 

Joined: Thu Mar 12, 2020 10:04 pm
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barrym95838 wrote:
I was a bit hasty with that, because I think I'm looping for index < limit and BASIC loops for index <= limit for positive steps. For negative steps, we can replace the bmi with a bpl and be done,

In the 6800 example viewtopic.php?p=77251#p77251 the sign of the step is tested to select the appropriate comparison to exit the loop. The 680x has a TST instruction but the 6502 does not. However, the BIT instruction is perfect for checking the sign of a byte in memory.

barrym95838 wrote:
You can choose your own behavior for a step of zero ... I think I have seen different treatments.

I think it is best to not bother checking for a zero step; maybe the programmer wanted an endless loop.

You may have noticed that a trace capability is provided for diagnosing such things; defining __TRACE during assembly turns it on.

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PostPosted: Mon Jul 27, 2020 8:54 am 

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barrym95838 wrote:
         eor    #>6
         beq    T00002      ; loop if index = limit

It took a bit of thinking to realize you were doing a comparison without affecting the carry flag...

So for an up counting loop with a constant limit, use the shortcut repeat if < code, but comparing against limit + 1 unless the limit is $7FFF then do it your new way. A limit in a variable or expression cannot use the shortcut either.

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PostPosted: Mon Jul 27, 2020 11:57 am 

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barrym95838 wrote:
You can choose your own behavior for a step of zero ... I think I have seen different treatments.

I see what you mean. When the step value is zero, is it an up or a down counting loop when testing the end condition?

Arbitrarily declare that 0 is treated as up counting. If a programmer wants to play tricks like that, they should make their own loop with GOTO and IF statements; it will probably be easier to understand.

There is another complication: overflow of the loop counter. Unless something special is done, there is no way to stop a loop at 32767 ($7FFF) as adding the step overflows to -32768 ($8000). And it is not only the discontinuity at $7FFF/$8000 either since the step can be any value.

The algorithm for terminating an upward counting loop has to be something like:

if the loop variable before adding the step < 0 or the terminating value < 0:
   do a signed comparison
   do an unsigned comparision

The opposite would be true for a downward counting loop.

Things could get very ugly since the terminating and step values may be in variables manipulated by the loop body.

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PostPosted: Mon Jul 27, 2020 3:21 pm 
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Joined: Sun Jun 30, 2013 10:26 pm
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I think there are a few strategies to combat the overflow problem. The one I've seen most often is to treat all INTs as signed and to do a quick overflow check when updating the loop counter, exiting instead of erroring out if true.

Checking for index < limit+1 instead of index <= limit is a clever hack, but loses 32767 as a valid limit unless you special-case it.

Got a kilobyte lying fallow in your 65xx's memory map? Sprinkle some VTL02C on it and see how it grows on you!

Mike B. (about me) (learning how to github)

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PostPosted: Mon Jul 27, 2020 5:57 pm 

Joined: Thu Mar 12, 2020 10:04 pm
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barrym95838 wrote:
I think there are a few strategies to combat the overflow problem. The one I've seen most often is to treat all INTs as signed and to do a quick overflow check when updating the loop counter, exiting instead of erroring out if true.

Checking for index < limit+1 instead of index <= limit is a clever hack, but loses 32767 as a valid limit unless you special-case it.

I implemented index < limit+1 for constant limits with 32767 as a special case and realized the overflow problem when a loop would not stop at 32767. Any solution will cause slow down when using a variable or expression for the limit due to the extra processing necessary.

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PostPosted: Mon Jul 27, 2020 7:30 pm 

Joined: Thu Mar 12, 2020 10:04 pm
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barrym95838 wrote:
I think there are a few strategies to combat the overflow problem. The one I've seen most often is to treat all INTs as signed and to do a quick overflow check when updating the loop counter, exiting instead of erroring out if true.

I failed to see this earlier due to lack of sleep.

A bvs to the loop exit after adding the upper bytes does the job easily and effectively.

Thank you.

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PostPosted: Tue Jul 28, 2020 9:25 pm 

Joined: Thu Mar 12, 2020 10:04 pm
Posts: 702
Location: North Tejas
I am able to run this test program now...

100 M=6:N=-257
1000 print "Testing for I = -257 to 6...";
1010 gosub 29000
1020 for I = -257 to 6
1030 print I;
1040 next I
1050 print
2000 print "Testing for I = 32760 to 32767...";
2010 gosub 29000
2020 for I = 32760 to 32767
2030 print I;
2040 next I
2050 print
3000 print "Testing for I = -257 to M...";
3010 gosub 29000
3020 for I = -257 to M
3030 print I;
3040 next I
3050 print
4000 print "Testing for I = 6 to -257 step -1...";
4010 gosub 29000
4020 for I = 6 to -257 step -1
4030 print I;
4040 next I
4050 print
5000 print "Testing for I = -32760 to -32768 step -1...";
5010 gosub 29000
5020 for I = -32760 to -32768 step -1
5030 print I;
5040 next I
5050 print
6000 print "Testing for I = 6 to N step -1...";
6010 gosub 29000
6020 for I = 6 to N step -1
6030 print I;
6040 next I
6050 print
7000 print "Testing for I = N+1 to M+1 step M-2...";
7010 gosub 29000
7020 N=1:M=3
7030 for I = N+1 to M+1 step M-2
7040 print I;
7050 next I
7060 print
8000 print "Testing for I = M+1 to N+1 step 2-M...";
8010 gosub 29000
8020 N=1:M=3
8030 for I = M+1 to N+1 step 2-M
8040 print I;
8050 next I
8060 print
20000 print "Tests complete"
20010 end
29000 rem ---------------------------------------------------------------------
29001 rem Read a line and end program if 'q'
29002 rem
29010 input line A$
29020 if ASC('Q') = ASC(A$) then end
29030 if ASC('q') = ASC(A$) then end
29040 return

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