Martin A wrote:
You will still need to connect A15 and A16 on the 128k ram to 0v or 5v. Which you pick doesn't really matter as long as they're not left floating.
Directly? No resistors or something?
BitWise wrote:
The datasheet seems to suggest that you could disable CS3B generation and have the one 128K RAM chip cover $00:0000-$01:FFFF using CS5B but some regions will map to chip based memory unless you disable more signals.
I tried programming the PLD on my 1MB SRAM board to use CS5B but it didn't work and I've not had the time to work out why. I use CS7B as it works reliably.
So... I wouldn't be connecting P73_CS3B_SRAM to VDD, but P75_CS5B instead?
SXB Datasheet wrote:
Note 2 - When on-chip ROM, CS3B and/or CS4B are enabled:
a.) CS5B decode is reduced by the addresses used by same.
b.) CS0B and CS1B address space never appears in CS2B, CS4B or CS5B decoded space.
Would this mean that if I enable CS5B instead of CS3B, the first 128K of RAM would start from 00:0000, and the internal chip memory locations, registers and ROM would still apply?
I also don't understand why should I enable CS2B as it's enabled by default... But I will do it anyway.