thedrip wrote:
You can translate the code to use another assembler you prefer.
Most of the work can be done with simple text replacements.
I have converted this same code to work with the ACME cross assembler for my project.
the main problem is that CustomASM uses colons to indicate labels. so i need to go through the whole file manually... i could probably detect labels and add a colon with regex but that's black magic to me.
Now that we have loads more memory and disc space, I set my programmers' text editor to put in spaces when I hit the tab key, because tabs get really messed up when I copy and paste into forum posts.
that's because tabs are broken on the forum, they are converted to exactly 3 spaces when posting, which is not how tabs are supposed to work.... also tabs are supposed to be 4 spaces
a b
aa b
aaa b
all of the b's should be in one row, it even shows that when i type it, but the preview and actual post messes it up.
floobydust wrote:
Hallo Proxy, Guten Abend!
So, installing WDC Tools. I also use Win7 in a VM under OSX. Chances are you're getting an error as the existing path length in Win10 is too long. I think there was a change in the absolute length of the PATH in later windows versions, making it longer. I think the installer grabs the PATH then attempts to append to and set it. Chances are it's too long which is causing the error.
but if it's too long how was it able to add itself to path successfully? because that is exactly what happend, it added itself to PATH like it should and then just stopped...
C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Oracle\Java\javapath;
C:\Program Files\Oracle\VirtualBox;
C:\Program Files (x86)\ZeroTier\One\;
C:\Program Files\NVIDIA Corporation\NVIDIA NvDLISR;
C:\Program Files (x86)\NVIDIA Corporation\PhysX\Common;
C:\WDC\Tools\INCLUDE;C:\Users\nnnnn\AppData\Local\Microsoft\WindowsApps;F:\FPGA Stuff\Quartus\modelsim_ase\win32aloem;
you can see it near the end of my PATH variable. right after "PhysX".
floobydust wrote:
As per my previous post... look at line 525. I declare the routine addresses there:
; stuff
So, swap out $FF36 for the address in your terminal, the same for $FF3C. Leave EVERYTHING else alone in the rest of the code. When assembling, the linker will create the output file, but if you're using my basic.wdc file, it creates a Motorola S-Record file, which will be about 28KB. Not sure what file you're looking at... can you share your modified .asm file and generated output files? Also note that my basic.wdc file shows file paths to a Z: drive, which is shared from my OSX system via VMware Fusion, so you'll probably have to modify this file for your system paths.
what exactly do you mean with "the address in my terminal" though? what should i swap it with? do you mean the IO Address of the keyboard and Terminal?
as said before there are
no existing functions that i could call. there is no Monitor or BIOS program on it.
I could add a second ROM with the IO Functions but I thought it would be easier to just add them to BASIC directly and avoid having to use 2 separate ROMs
floobydust wrote:
Beyond the above, it shouldn't too difficult to get this working. Can you post your modified files here? I can always do a quick assemble/link for you. Also, exactly what file format do you need to upload to your emulator??
ouch that first sentence hurt a bit. :p
the format is a simple .BIN file. the same you could program onto an EEPROM or FLASH chip.
the only thing i modifed were the functions i showed in the picture, i didn't touch anything else.
though it might also be because of the commands i gave to the assembler? there was no BAT file to assemble the whole thing so i just copied the one from the "8LED_CCAH" thing that is included by WDC by default and modifed it to use the basic.ASM file instead.
this is what is inside the .BAT file:
del *.bin
del *.obj
del *.lst
WDC02AS -g -l -DUSING_02 basic.asm
WDCLN -g -HB basic
i checked with the cmd to see there were options to tell it where ROM begins but i was unable to get that working
floobydust wrote:
PS- Where in Germany are you? I lived in Reutlingen for a couple years... and have been traveling to Germany and all of Europe for decades.
Neubrandenburg, basically near the top right corner of Germany.