I'm not really sure where to post this.
I'm trying to figure out how the garbage collection works on the commodore 64 CBM BASIC ROM, and I'm officially stuck on a snippet of code. I can't seem to figure out what it's trying to accomplish.
lda $58
ldx $59 ;get current highest string address
cpx $32 ;check against start of free memory high
bne $b57d ;if not on same page, branch to skip this part
cmp $31 ;otherwise check string addr low against free memory low
bne $b57d ;if not in same place, branch to skip this part
jmp $b606 ;otherwise collect the string and leave
sta $22 ;save temp address here
stx $23
ldy #$00
lda ($22),y ;get first variable name byte
tax ;save in X, mostly to save negative flag
lda ($22),y ;get second variable name byte
php ;save negative flag
lda ($22),y ;get string length or defaddr low
adc $58 ;add to highest address low (plus carry???)
sta $58
lda ($22),y ;get string addr low(???) or defaddr high
adc $59 ;add to highest address high(???)
sta $59
plp ;get negative flag from earlier (second name byte)
bpl $b56e ;if not set, def'd function or floating point, branch
txa ;get value, and thus negative flag, from earlier (first byte)
bmi $b56e ;if set, integer, thus branch, otherwise continue with string
lda ($22),y ;get string addr high
ldy #$00 ;init Y in case we have to search
asl ;multiply by 2, add 5 pages and old temp address low (???)
adc #$05
adc $22
sta $22 ;save as new temp address low
bcc $b5ae
inc $23 ;otherwise increment temp address high
ldx $23 ;get temp address high
cpx $59 ;compare with highest address high
bne $b5b8 ;if not on same page, branch
cmp $58 ;otherwise compare temp addr low with highest addr low
beq $b572 ;if not in same place, branch to check against start bottom
jsr $b5c7 ;otherwise do sub to find highest string in memory
beq $b5b0 ;unconditionally loop to compare
I don't know how much more information I need to post, but as you can see, I'm having trouble making heads or tails of what precisely is going on here. Is there anybody here knowledgeable about CBM BASIC's inner workings that can shed some light on this?