floobydust wrote:
Well, looking at the (W65C816SXB) schematic confirms that all 24 address lines are available on the bus connector pins 11 thru 34. When in doubt, check the schematic. In some cases, WDC documentation is shared, meaning, they likely started with the 65C02 based SXB and modified it for the 65C816 SXB. At one point, they had some pin designations showing on the wrong connector.... I think Bitwise found this one initially.
Yes I found that, but as the schematic itself refers to the w65c816
MPU itself, and it does not have the full 24 bits of address bus exposed, then I should believe then that addressing external memory in the '816SXB board should include a demultiplexer along with the rest of the memory itseld, shouldn't it?
Note that the W65C816 CPU does NOT have the upper 8 address bits on separate pins, as there aren't enough pins on the 40-pin DIP or 44-pin PLCC packages. According to the CPU datasheet, the upper 8 address bits are presented on the data bus during phase 1 of the CPU clock. Looking at the schematic again, page 2 shows U9, a 74HC573 which provides the upper 8 address lines that drive the XBUS pins.