Hi all,
I'm cleaning up a project I started late last year to play 'DIGIs' (digital samples) on the C64 SID. After figuring out how to process the sample is Audacity for good results: 8-bit samples at 8khz. I then reduce the samples to 4-bit, doing some rounding up, and pack two per byte.
I also tried to do a simple Run Length Encoding, which reduced the sample file size by about 25%. And while I can decode it easy enough on the C64 it takes far too long to do to process in an 8khz interrupt loop. It would work at 4khz I suspect though.
Anyhow, I was optimizing my simple, non-RLE, interrupt routine this morning and was unhappy with how long it took to toggle a bit in zero page that I'm using as a flag to know which nibble should be played next.
Originally I was doing this to check, and then toggle the bit at the end. The #- indicates clock cycles with (#) as the total for that block. So originally it took 14 clock cycles ignoring the single-cycle difference in BNE if branch take or not.
;every other NMI do *1 or *2
LDA flag ; 3- if flag==0 we just played upper nibble
BNE lower ; 2- (5) so skip ahead to load new byte
...other code
LDA flag ; 3- toggle hi/low nibble flag and exit NMI
EOR #$1 ; 3-
STA flag ; 3- (9)
I reduced this to 12 cycles with the following:
LDA #$01 ; 2-
AND flag ; 3-
BNE lower ; 2- (7)
INC flag ; 5 (5)
So, not a huge savings but even two clock cycles in an 8khz interrupt is a lot of cycles per second. It still seems like it could be simplified though. I'm not sure what else could be done with this structure but maybe it would be possible to combine the toggle and test into one block?
It got me wondering what clever ways had been devised to handle a simple task like this over the years? I did a search on the forum but the terms 'bit toggle' brings up many, many threads of course.