BigDumbDinosaur wrote:
Not to diminish Richard Leary's work in any way, but I'm somewhat amazed there is still interest in CP/M or a clone of it. Surely the 6502 community can come up with something a little bit better.
Given the context, 8-bit, 64K RAM, what is there that is actually better? (or worse!)
However the 6502 community has come up with something better - but who wants to actually use it?
At one end we have the simple "turn it on and beep -> BASIC" level, then at the other there is GekOS and which is mostly Pet/C64 based with a unixy-like interface, tcp/ip and so on, also Lunix which uses the GekOS library and is C64 based.
In-between that, there is DOS/65.
Who uses these?
Maybe it's because there has never really been a command-line type interface on 6502 systems - not a popular one and not one back "in the day" (that I know of).
I did write one for my Ruby system to satisfy my own needs, but that's really based on existing work done by Acorn in 1981 - the Acorn MOS (Machine Operating System) was what ran under the application (ie. BASIC, but was also other languages, word processors, spreadsheets, etc.) it did have a command-line interface but it was almost always accessed via "star" commands from the application if it had a command-line interface. The filing system is based on Apple ProDOS. RubyOS will run some Acorn software as long as it is well behaved and doesn't poke the hardware (e.g. BBC BASIC)
So Ruby boots into a CLI with a star as it's prompt and lets you type commands. In that respect it's very "cp/m" like - with a number of built-in commands and others residing on disk (with one exception, BASIC, copying it's code from the FLASH inside the ATmega host processor) Commands can be shortened using a dot and the first command is the 'cat' command which is short for catalog - ie. list disk directory, hence the Acorn centric website: stardot ...
I've posted about Ruby several times, shown a few videos - but how much interest in the OS has there been? One or 2 comments asking if I'll post the schematics... So I take that as "not much interest, really".
Maybe someone should start a new thread for what people want out of a 6502 operating system - however my fear is that people would want something that would take far too long to write or need megabytes of paged RAM (or an '816) to run, or that people are happy with "wozmon" or some other simple monitor type system.
Gordon Henderson.
See my
Ruby 6502 and 65816 SBC projects here: