My first taste of computer programming would have been in using Logo on BBC Micros and Archimedes machines. Not exactly sophisiticated stuff, but there waas an element of variables, subroutines, etc.
At secondary school we did a
brief session with Logo for Windows. (This confused me a bit as I'd used a Welsh translation of Logo in primary school, but there was no such translation of the Windows version. I had to re-learn all the mnemonics, etc.) But by this time "Computing" had well and truly turned into "IT", so there was no more good stuff to come on the curriculum (other than Electronics later in school).
In my third year of high school, we had the good fortune of having a CS graduate employed as an admin for the newly rebuilt PC computer network. (They'd had an extensive Econet of Acorn machines, but ripped it out the summer before I went there.
) He ran a weekly computer programming club during lunch times, so as BigEd suggested, my first experience of serious programming was indeed Java!
At around the same time, I got my own second-hand PC to play around with, and set about things, the self-taught way. As well as spending my disposable income on hardware upgrades, I spent time playing about with DOS and Linux, trying my hand at batch / bash scripting, and a spot of Perl. At one time I played about with some 8086 assembly, by using a hex editor on a floppy disk's boot sector.
Later, at university, we did Java and C as introductions to object-oriented and imperative programming, and then some Matlab scripting and PIC assembly in subsequent years.