Project URL: am trying to wire up Arlet Ottens famous 6502 core within my project, but no matter what combo of settings I use, the RESET vector is not being called.
About the hardware:
- Board: RioRand EP2C5T144 Altera Cyclone II
- High speed soft-clock to drive the display
- Low speed soft-clock to drive the SPU.
- MAX719 with bit-banged SPI. Displays current value of the address line.
- Tiny ROM with just 6502 vectors.
- No RAM
- CPU core lifted from:
The situation:
It is my understanding that the MOS 6502, upon power up, should do some basic house keeping then preform a JMP($FFFC).
If there is no NMI, it is doing a
. If there NMI is active, it is doing a
- Do I have the CPU wired wrong?
- Do I have a faulty understanding of how the CPU works?
- Is there a bug in the CPU code that I can't find mentioned anywhere? (I did lots of googling.)
- Just a thought -- does the CPU require RAM?
- Something else?
Short listing:
-- Truth table
-- 1 1 0xFFFA 0xFFFB
-- 0 1 oxFFFA 0xFFFB
-- 0 0 0xFFFE 0xFFFF
-- 1 0 0xFFFE 0xFFFF
-- On reset line: 0xFFFE 0xFFFF
IRQ <= '1';
NMI <= '0';
RDY <= '1';
CPURESET <= reset; -- '0';
cpu1: cpu port map(
clk => tick_clock,
reset => CPURESET,
AB => AB,
DI => DI,
DO => DO,
WE => WE,
Complete file:
library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
use ieee.std_logic_unsigned.all;
use ieee.numeric_std.all;
entity Kim is
port (
clk : in std_logic; -- clock is on 17
led0 : out std_logic; -- led on 3
led1 : out std_logic; -- led on 7
led2 : out std_logic; -- led on 9
sw0 : in std_logic; -- switch on 114
max_din : out std_logic; -- 76
max_cs : out std_logic; -- 80
max_clk : out std_logic -- 86
end Kim;
architecture rtl of Kim is
signal max_d : std_logic_vector(27 downto 0) := "0000000000000000000000000000";
signal tt : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0) := "00000000000000000000000000000000";
signal Q1 : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
signal reset : std_logic;
signal spi_clock : std_logic;
signal tick_clock : std_logic;
signal TOP_ROM_DO : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
signal TOP_ROM_EN : std_logic;
shared variable HAB1 : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0); -- address bus
signal AB : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0); -- address bus
signal DI : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); -- data in, read bus
shared variable HDI : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); -- data in, read bus
signal DO : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); -- data out, write bus
signal WE : std_logic; -- write enable
signal IRQ : std_logic; -- interrupt request
signal NMI : std_logic; -- non-maskable interrupt request
signal RDY : std_logic; -- Ready signal. Pauses CPU when RDY=0
signal CPURESET : std_logic;
component Bit4 is
port(C, CLR : in std_logic;
Q : out std_logic_vector(3 downto 0));
end component;
component M7219 is
port (
clk : in std_logic;
parallel : in std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
clk_out : out std_logic;
data_out : out std_logic;
load : out std_logic
end component;
component Clock is
port(C, CLR : in std_logic;
spi_clock : out std_logic;
tick_clock : out std_logic);
end component;
component cpu is
clk : in std_logic; -- CPU clock
reset : in std_logic; -- reset signal
AB : out std_logic_vector(15 downto 0); -- address bus
DI : in std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); -- data in, read bus
DO : out std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); -- data out, write bus
WE : out std_logic; -- write enable
IRQ : in std_logic; -- interrupt request
NMI : in std_logic; -- non-maskable interrupt request
RDY : in std_logic); -- Ready signal. Pauses CPU when RDY=0
end component;
component top_rom is
address_length: natural := 16;
data_length: natural := 8
clock: in std_logic;
rom_enable: in std_logic;
address: in std_logic_vector((address_length - 1) downto 0);
data_output: out std_logic_vector ((data_length - 1) downto 0)
end component;
c1: Clock port map (C => clk, CLR => reset, spi_clock => spi_clock, tick_clock => tick_clock);
div1: Bit4 port map (C => tick_clock, CLR => reset, Q => Q1);
-- Truth table
-- 1 1 0xFFFA 0xFFFB
-- 0 1 oxFFFA 0xFFFB
-- 0 0 0xFFFE 0xFFFF
-- 1 0 0xFFFE 0xFFFF
-- On reset line: 0xFFFE 0xFFFF
IRQ <= '1';
NMI <= '0';
RDY <= '1';
CPURESET <= reset; -- '0';
cpu1: cpu port map(
clk => tick_clock,
reset => CPURESET,
AB => AB,
DI => DI,
DO => DO,
WE => WE,
max1: M7219 port map (clk => spi_clock,
parallel => tt,
clk_out => max_clk,
load => max_cs,
data_out => max_din
tt(31 downto 28)<= AB(15 downto 12); -- "1010";
tt(27 downto 24)<= AB(11 downto 8); -- )"1011";
tt(23 downto 20)<= AB(7 downto 4); --)"1100";
tt(19 downto 16)<= AB(3 downto 0); -- ))"1101";
-- tt(15 downto 12)<= AB(15 downto 12);
-- tt(11 downto 8)<= AB(11 downto 8);
-- tt(7 downto 4)<= AB(7 downto 4); -- ))"1101";
-- tt(3 downto 0)<= AB(3 downto 0); -- ))"1101";
rom1: top_rom port map (
clock => tick_clock,
rom_enable => TOP_ROM_EN,
address => AB,
data_output => TOP_ROM_DO
led2 <= not Q1(0);
led1 <= not Q1(1);
led0 <= not Q1(2);
case HAB1 is
when x"FFFA"
| x"FFFB"
| x"FFFC"
| x"FFFD"
| x"FFFE"
| x"FFFF" =>
when others =>
DI <= x"EA"; -- hard wire in a NOP
end case;
end process;
if tick_clock'event and tick_clock='1' then
HAB1 := AB;
case HAB1 is
when x"FFFA"
| x"FFFB"
| x"FFFC"
| x"FFFD"
| x"FFFE"
| x"FFFF" =>
TOP_ROM_EN <= '1';
when others =>
HDI := x"EA"; -- hard wire in a NOP
-- TOP_ROM_EN <= '0';
end case;
end if;
-- tt(15 downto 12)<= HDI(7 downto 4);
-- tt(11 downto 8)<= HDI(3 downto 0);
-- tt(7 downto 4)<= TOP_ROM_DO(7 downto 4); -- ))"1101";
-- tt(3 downto 0)<= TOP_ROM_DO(3 downto 0); -- ))"1101";
end process;
process(clk, sw0)
if rising_edge(clk) then
if sw0='0' then
reset <= '1';
reset <= '0';
end if;
end if;
end process;
end rtl;