mdpye wrote:
Cool, I'll get on to those measurements.
The scope is 20Mhz, dual channel. Saying a dual channel is more than 2x better. Do you mean in general utility, or could I put the second channel to good use in this context? It also has an external trigger
What I would normally do is put the phi2 signal on one channel and the R/W on the other and trigger off the Phi2. All bus operations on the 6502 depend on Phi2, so most timing measurements should be made WRT to it.
Also, if you needed to see the relationship between 2 signals, such as R/W and a chip select, you could scope them against each other. You could also feed Phi 2 into the external trigger and see how those 2 signals line up with Phi2.
2 channels are very handy - use 'em if you have 'em.
20 MHz is a bit slow to see all gremlins, but if your clocking at 2MHz, then you might not be producing many of them. A schematic and a picture of the prototype will be helpful. Are you using any 74AC or 74ACT logic? They produce fast leading edge signals which can create glitches a 20MHz scope will not find.