drogon wrote:
What I'm getting at is using the Pi or some other SBC as a 6502 CPU level bus interface device. So your 6502/816 writes to a memory location - the Pi/SBC has to listen to the Ph2 clock, the R/W line, the address lines (or "IO" decoded signal and - e.g. some address lines for a register), then sample (or write) the data at the appropriate interval to emulate a cpu-bus level device or memory. There are a lot of people who still want to poke pixels into a framebuffer... This thing is easier with an FPGA than a Pi/SBC device.
Yea, that's what I was thinking as well. I'm content with a handshake for my purposes, though, so the Pi should still be ok.
I think going above 320x240 (ish) is too much without some sort of hardware assist - like a blitter and off-screen memory, so the blitter can do a 2D move at < one cycle per byte rather than 7 (or whatever) it might take a 6502/816 to do.
And going over 255x255 resolution, you're already into needing 2 bytes per co-ordinate too. It all adds up and increases the code complexity for our little 8-bit micro, so sure, I could hook a $5 micro to a 6502 and get it to display 1920x1080x32bpp but what would a 6502 be able to do with it? Even loading a static background image - that's 8MB, so quite a lot to pull through an 8-bit micros 'disk' interface...
Well, that's kind of what crossed my mind regarding that VS23S010D chip. IT may be able to drive a VGA display just fine, but can a micro drive it with enough bandwidth to matter. I didn't look at the spec sheet in detail, but it seems to offer different resolutions, as well as an on board blitter. That may well be enough to make it work well for a text display with limited graphics. Upload the character set in to unused Video RAM, and blit from that.
However, without a blitter, some of the later games on the Apple II look very good, given the Apple II's video memory arrangement. Same for the Beeb. (ie. Elite) When was the first blitter? I think Atari had something, certainly the Amiga. (Just checked - seems 1985 in the Amiga for a 'home' type system) The C64 has sprite control though, but I note from the wikipedia entry that pixel poking while possible is very slow... (I've never owned a C64)
Closest thing that the Atari had was programmable character sets, and sprites. Neither of which I'd really classify as a blitter.
I'm also starting to think that we ought to abandon VGA too, or at least worry less about the physical connection. Even though retro'r'us we can't stop some of the physical stuff from getting away from us. I started looking at composite... Today I have just 2 displays that have composite inputs. (My 3rd old green tube monitor died) TTL RGB, anyone? I think I'm going to be happy with a device that generates HDMI knowing that there are good HDMI to VGA adapters out there now.
As I've mentioned before, I never thought driving raw VGA was a good idea, but the idea of driving a "graphics chip" that presented VGA as output, but offered a more limited, more suitable for a micro interface on the front.
Your point earlier about the Pi being a GPU with an ARM chip I think is very akin to a lot of the early micros. The graphics hardware was deeply intertwined in to the computer design, and a lot of CPU cycles were dedicated/lost to the graphic hardware trying to feed the voracious and uncompromising composite video demands. In the end the graphics/display hardware was the real master of the bus, and the CPU just got time when it could.
And much of the interface work necessary to pull it off is above many hobbyists, especially if they have to design the graphics part themselves (unless, apparently, you do everything in raw TTL lol).